Thursday, December 4, 2008
I'm letting the fans get into this years awards! I have made some new categories and hopefully will expand yearly. This year I'm letting the fans vote for one of the new awards. It will be on the side bar just like other polls, but the results will be hidden until I display my entire 2008 movie round up. Which is almost done, so it shouldn't be too long. Get your vote in. The interacitve award is for Hottest chick in a movie(that I've seen) and biggest bad ass(that I've seen).
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
I've been hard at work on my list and nominations for the last week or so. I've seen plenty of movies in the mean time, but haven't been able to post them. You'll see them on my list and maybe some of them have been nominated for the almighty ROCKAR! Hold tight and check back daily. Who knows how quickly I'll get the list posted.
If you'd like an email complete rundown of the year in review then let me know by email or post a comment on this post. I'll just add my complet rankings on here, but not the entire article with the winners and nominations like last year. Thanks and be a little patient.
If you'd like an email complete rundown of the year in review then let me know by email or post a comment on this post. I'll just add my complet rankings on here, but not the entire article with the winners and nominations like last year. Thanks and be a little patient.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Real quick review here. I only watched the first movie because Rory Gilmore(Alexis Bledel) was in it and my dad said it was "awesome". It turned out to be an alright film for what it was worth. The sequel is the same movie with just problems with the girls and thier pants to deal with. I'm sure teenage girls and my dad will like this movie, but it's just not my cup of tea. Rory Gilmore couldn't even make the average guy want to see this movie.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
After Oliver Stone's last debacle(anyone see Alexander), he needed a solid showing with his next project and I think he did it. He chose to do another biopic and he didn't use any of his prejudices or conspiracy theories either. I for one would've laughed all day at a Bush bashing film, but he chose to show the human side of the retard, instead of just the stupid side.(that's all the bashing I'm going to do too). It show's some of his flaws, but doesn't preach on his bad choices in life, because we all make them. It almost makes you feel sorry for him. I just had a problem with the "why" part of the movie. Why make a motion picture about one of the worst, if not the worst president in the history of our country? His story really isn't that fascinating. In the end, it's not the context that made this a watchable film, but the curiosity. Better than reading a bio on "W", but nothing spectacular if you don't give a rats ass about the "W". Good for what it is and that's about it.
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Another Judd Apatow production, but not directed by him. I wasn't sure what to think about this film, which is why it took so long for me to finally watch it. The title refers to a special kind of marijuana that drives the story. Think of this move of an older "Superbad". Two men instead of highschoolers on an adventure that leads them through some funny stuff. The writing and crudeness ranks up there with "Superbad" as well. A lot funnier than I expected it to be and Seth Rogen is great once again. James Franco is alright and has his moments, but it's the third guy that brings some good laughs to this film. Almost like Mclovin did. Much better and funnier than I expected. This is one of the main reasons I try to watch so many films, because you find some good ones out there sometimes. I highly recommend this film to any "Superbad" or Apatow fans.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
I feel sorry for Marky Mark. From "The Departed" and oscar nominee to this pile of dung? I've never played the game, but I know that it's bloody and has lot's of killing and this showed really none of it. It's PG-13! "Live Free or Die Hard" pulled it off with some great editing, but this isn't close. The story is so broken it's not even funny. The so called twist I could've figured out when I was in diapers and most of all it's boring and no fun! Give me some killing with some fun camera angles and maybe some blood. I can say that I liked some of the photography, but the snow shots are a little much after the 100th time. This feels like it got slapped together and it shows. Save your money for "The Dark Knight" on DVD and Blu-Ray.
The name is extremely gay! I almost didn't want to watch this small film that deals with the W.T.O. riots in seattle in 1999. It's Stuart Townsend's directorial debut and not a bad one at that. I didn't really know what all the fuss was about back then, but I do remember it being a big deal. I figured I could watch this movie or read a book. I obviously chose the movie. It centers on ficticious characters around a true event. Sort of like "Titanic". All the characters are woven together during the riots. From the protestors to the politicians and policemen. It's well done and actually entertaining. I also liked knowing exactly what streets and venues they are talking about in the dialogue. I recommend that you watch this and you'll be surprised.
I don't really remember much from this film. I thought I'd watch it, since Jet Li and Jackie chan are both in it. It turns out to be really corny and not that much cool kung fu fighting at all. The story is really lame and doesn't really make any sense. Some kid just gets transported to the forbidden kingdom? He has to return this ancient magic staff to it's owner who is frozen until his staff returns. This turd kid learns kung fu and returns the staff? Not too much fun or anything along the lines of entertainment. More action and less conrny might have made it a rental. I wouldn't watch this if I were you.
Friday, October 3, 2008
Thursday, September 25, 2008
They chose to make a remake of this film? That baffles me. Oh, Nic Cage where have you gone? This movie really has no redeeming qualities about it. It's got no point, but even if it did, I don't think anyone would care. Cage plays an assasin that while in Bangkok has a change of heart. I know you think you've seen this story before and you sort of have. The main difference is that those other movies all that happened early and spent the rest of the movie escaping the life. This whole movie is one slow moving moment to get to his change and then it's pretty much over. I beg of you, don't watch this film. Watch "The Dark Knight" again! I know I did. I try and defend some of Nic Cage's choices, but his last couple are too hard for me to defend.
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Adam Sandler hasn't made a funny movie since "Happy Gilmore", but this is almost back to those early glory days. This movie is on par with "A Night at the Roxbury". A movie that is so dumb at times, but I still couldn't resist laughing. Sandler and Apatow along with Robert Smigel wrote the story and it shows. Much funnier and less cliche than his last half dozen of films. Still has terrible moments and needs some work, but at least I laughed at one of Sandler's comedies again. The ending falls into the same old smuck of the last films, but this is full of over the top comedy leading up to it. Give this one a shot if you lost faith in Sandler. If you never liked him, then you still won't. Stupid but I actually enjoyed this film a little.
This had the billing of a great movie. Fall release date and two academy award winning actors with a cop drama all built into one. Unfortunately the two actors are both declining and the drama really turns into a serial killer mystery. Instead of telling a straight forward gritty story of these two partners it gets turned into them trying to solve a killer who is killing the scum of the city. The two leads give solid performances, but the story and screenplay is mumbled together and tries too hard. It's one of those films that when first hearing about it, makes you want to see it and then after watching the film it fades away. Not memorable for good or bad reasons, so it's worth a view on dvd.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
I can't remember tha last time Al Pacino had a good movie? Probably "Heat", but that's besides the point. This movie intrigued me because it takes place in real time until the end. It starts off with promise when Pacino gets a call saying he has 88 minutes to live. From there it gets in way over it's head trying to fake the crowd out and keep them lost, so the audience can't figure out the ending. Once you get to the ending it's the classic too twisty for it's own good story that doesn't totally make sense. If you just go with the ending and allow yourself to be force fed the plot then it passes as a mildly entertaining film, but that's about it. Not bad, but not good. Very average.
Monday, September 15, 2008
I watch a lot of horror movies that are complete dog shit and I was ready for another one. I liked the simple premise and so I was prepared for the worst, but surprisngly I got the most scared I've been from a movie in a long time. It's all steady cam and not too shaky like the "Blair Witch Project" or anything like that. It's a character driven story that doesn't need blood and gore to try and scare you. I thought the lack of a music score helped too, since you can always tell by music when danger is near. It's loosely based on true events that happened only three years ago. It's creepy and real enough to scare your brain more than your body. It's only 80 minutes long and about 70 of those minutes has you on the edge of your seat. I'd watch this for sure if you want to actually see a good horror/suspense film.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
The Latest movies I've seen
COLLEGE- A mix between "Road Trip" and "Superbad" in story only. This doesn't even come close to "Road Trip", so you know it's no "Superbad". Worse than a straight to DVD teen sex movie and that's bad, not Superbad. Grade: D
THE MUMMY:TOMB OF THE DRAGON EMPEROR- The first one had it's Indaina jones moments and some good times. The second one had some ridiculous, but good times. Over the top, but some good fun. This one is just plain stupid! If you didn't like anything about the first two, then don't even bother with this one, because those are top notch action films to this pile of crap. Grade: C-
STEP BROTHERS- When I reviewed "Semi-Pro" I mentioned to look for this film, because it teams Farrel up with the same team from "Anchorman" and "Talladega Nights". This film is crude and has some good times, but it's not a great comedy by any means. It get's kinda lame towards the end when they are friends. A rental for sure. Grade: C+
HAROLD AND KUMAR ESCAPE FROM GUANTAMO BAY- This is a total rehash of the first movie which has become a cult classic. Same formula and even Doogie Howser is in this one. It has some good sterotypical jokes and that's really it. If you liked the first one then you'll tolerate this episode. Grade: C
X FILES: I WANT TO BELIEVE- I've never been into the series or the first movie. It was all kinda way too sci-fi for me. I like the unknown or supernatural up until it just twists and turns until you have no idea what just happened or what you're watching. That was the first movies problem. This movies problem is that it's too normal and not enough sci-fi. I did like this one slightly better though. This plot is pretty straight ahead with a missing FBI agent that Mulder get's called into investigate with a man that claims that he has visions of the crime. It turns into more of do you believe and mystery than the unknown crazy stuff. It's not bad, but not that much of a story either. Rent it. Grade: C
THE MUMMY:TOMB OF THE DRAGON EMPEROR- The first one had it's Indaina jones moments and some good times. The second one had some ridiculous, but good times. Over the top, but some good fun. This one is just plain stupid! If you didn't like anything about the first two, then don't even bother with this one, because those are top notch action films to this pile of crap. Grade: C-
STEP BROTHERS- When I reviewed "Semi-Pro" I mentioned to look for this film, because it teams Farrel up with the same team from "Anchorman" and "Talladega Nights". This film is crude and has some good times, but it's not a great comedy by any means. It get's kinda lame towards the end when they are friends. A rental for sure. Grade: C+
HAROLD AND KUMAR ESCAPE FROM GUANTAMO BAY- This is a total rehash of the first movie which has become a cult classic. Same formula and even Doogie Howser is in this one. It has some good sterotypical jokes and that's really it. If you liked the first one then you'll tolerate this episode. Grade: C
X FILES: I WANT TO BELIEVE- I've never been into the series or the first movie. It was all kinda way too sci-fi for me. I like the unknown or supernatural up until it just twists and turns until you have no idea what just happened or what you're watching. That was the first movies problem. This movies problem is that it's too normal and not enough sci-fi. I did like this one slightly better though. This plot is pretty straight ahead with a missing FBI agent that Mulder get's called into investigate with a man that claims that he has visions of the crime. It turns into more of do you believe and mystery than the unknown crazy stuff. It's not bad, but not that much of a story either. Rent it. Grade: C
Incredible cast and some good comedic performances by Robert Downey Jr and Ben Stiller if you like Stiller's delivery. He does the same routine in every movie, which is why I fill it's wierd that some are funny and other suck? Go figure. Anyways, this movie is at it's best when it's not over the top crazy. I like the fine line of action/comedy, but it takes some pretty stupid sequences, but not enough for me to dislike the film overall. Not a classic comedy, but Robert Downey is worth the viewing in itself. Jack Black and Stiller do the same act as usual, so that might make it a must see for some of you and it might scare some of you away. I myself enjoyed the film with it's ups and downs. I'd recommend it on DVD atleast. Most will enjoy this comedy.
I've never seen Madagascar, so give me a break! I'm reviewing them together, since they are both computer animated films and both box office hits.
I had to watch "Madagascar", since the sequel is coming out in a couple of months and I'm glad I did. Not fantastic or hilarious, but it was a solid family film. I wasn't too impressed with the story or voices, but it satisfied me enough times. I'm a huge Chris Rock fan and it's a shame his movies suck, but he did alright in this one. I'll watch the sequel, but probably not until DVD. If you haven't seen this one then I'd watch it if you like computer animation films.
"Kung Fu Panda" on the other hand totally suprised me at how much I liked this film. Not quite a Pixar, but as close as the Dreamworks and the others are going to get. Panda actually had a story and morale to it, like Pixar films do. Much funnier than I thought it would be, but not in the same way as Pixars'. I really enjoyed the animation to the voices of the characters. I'd highly recommend this film to anyone and especially people with kids or family night.
I'm back and ready to go.
I first would like to apologize to all my fans out there for putting up with my hiatus. As many of you know, I have recently become a doggfather, just like Snoop. She is a pain in the ass, but totally worth it! Since she is only 3 months old as of this message, she definately needs lots of attention and potty breaks. I can no longer go the the theater at will now, since I have to babysit as soon as I get off of work and I just can't let Sarah take care of Nala. She alos cost a pretty penny and movies,popcorn, and soda aren't cheap.
Since a couple of my fans have pointed out that I hadn't updated my blog in sometime, I thought it was time to make some time to write some new posts.
I have watched many movies, but only in the past couple of weeks have I started back and all of them from home. The internet is a great tool for skipping the cinemas. I wish I could go, but hopefully in the near future I'll make it back to the multiplexes for the Oscar season, even though we all know the best film of the year has already been out for almost nine weeks! I too have watched it at home two more times. Taking my total viewing of "The Dark Knight" up to 5.
My next posts will be brief for the duds and a grade as usual, but if there are any worth writing about, they will get the full attention they deserve. In the words of the Joker, "Here we go".
Enjoy and I hope to be updated weekly if possible, but we all know good things come to those who wait..................................................That is intedned for Edwards and mom. Thanks and have a good Oscar season at the movies.
Rocket the reviewer
Since a couple of my fans have pointed out that I hadn't updated my blog in sometime, I thought it was time to make some time to write some new posts.
I have watched many movies, but only in the past couple of weeks have I started back and all of them from home. The internet is a great tool for skipping the cinemas. I wish I could go, but hopefully in the near future I'll make it back to the multiplexes for the Oscar season, even though we all know the best film of the year has already been out for almost nine weeks! I too have watched it at home two more times. Taking my total viewing of "The Dark Knight" up to 5.
My next posts will be brief for the duds and a grade as usual, but if there are any worth writing about, they will get the full attention they deserve. In the words of the Joker, "Here we go".
Enjoy and I hope to be updated weekly if possible, but we all know good things come to those who wait..................................................That is intedned for Edwards and mom. Thanks and have a good Oscar season at the movies.
Rocket the reviewer
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Normally I don't waste my time with writing another review of the same film, but this one is so damn good! I've seen it three times already and I'm ready to go again! I can't get enough of the Joker or the story. This might be the best ending to a film ever! It's unfortunate that this was shot and edited for a third movie that might never happen, at least the version that Nolan had envisioned. I don't doubt that they will make a sequel after the money that this has brought in. I'll try to keep up on the sequel talks and who's going to be involved, just like I did after "Begins" came out. I'm counting the days down until probably a December Bluray release date. I watched "Batman Begins" about four times it's first week out on DVD, so I'll be pretty busy that week. If you haven't seen this film yet,what are you waiting for?
I haven't read the book nor I'm I a Jules Verne fan. All I know about him, I learned from the "Back to the Future" trilogy and I'm fine with that. I can only speculate that this new version is only slightly based on the book. The book is used in the film as motivation to search for Brendan Fraser's missing brother who was known as a "Vernian". Someone who believes that Jules' Vern stories are true and not science fiction stories. They quickly realize that it's true and it leads to some cool 3D scenes, but I wish the entire film would be packed of these scenes, instead of just the characters basically just being in the foreground the entire time. It's a fun family film that doesn't bore or bring any real depth to the story. It's what you think it's going to be. 90 minutes of some fun and cool 3D. Some of the scenes really immerse you into the steam or rain atmospheres and some do nothing. It's a lot like last year's "Beowulf", nothing special, but the 3D gives it a reason to be seen in the theaters. I'd say it's worth a screening, but I'd see it in the 3D format than just at home.
I wanted to see this when it was released in the theaters, but I opted to see "10,000 B.C." instead. I think we all know how bad of a decision that was? After watching "Bank Job" I'm even more disappointed with that choice in march. This movie was based on a true bank heist that happened in London in the 70's. It turns out to be more than just a bank robbery. The bank job is just a cover to get some very important photos of the royal family. It has some good little twists and keeps you thinking throughout the running time. Not too much action, but some humor and a little history lesson. It's a entertaining movie and it also had lot's of nudity for the the slow parts. I'd give a quick glance on DVD if you were looking for a little fun. Or if you like Jason Statham.
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Finally it's time for the review that I've been waiting three years to give.
I think it's safe to say that I had the biggest of all expectations coming into this film. Last December I said to be on the look-out for "The Dark Knight" in my end of the year movie round- up. I also said watch for an Oscar nomination for Heath Ledger and that's almost a guarntee now. What I didn't know was that the movie would surpass all of my expectations and then some. I was waiting for it too be good and I know I'd like it, but it's way beyond good. It's an outright masterpiece! The story, acting,direction and action are far superior than anything like it before. This is a film that you have to watch multiple times to fully understand the little things and it's better when you do. It's a finely crafted story that you rarely see in any film, let alone a comic book adaptation. It plays off the first installment and leads into the next one hopefully. I hope they stick with the same story even without Ledger. It would be a shame for them not to tell the whole story, because they don't want to recast the Joker's part. This movie is called "The Dark Knight" for a reason and it's not because of it's dark tone, but after you watch it, you'll know. Everything in this movie is done right. Even the 2 1/2 hour running time is a must here. It could've been longer and been justified. This is what all movies should aspire to be. Great entertainment, but not at the cost of a great story. Rarely is this done. Not since "The Departed" has a movie come close. Those are 2 very entertaining and well crafted films. Both on the top of my all-time favorite list.
As for "The Dark Knight", this isn't the last you'll hear about it from me(2008's round-up coming soon). I'm also predicting that Ledger won't be the only nominee from this film. I think picture and director will both get Oscar nods as well. Not sure about Bale, but he's on top of his game here too.
I'm highly recommending this film to you if you haven't figured it out yet. I dare you to not love this film!
In closing, I hope I'll be writing the same review in 3 years from possibly the best trilogy ever.

Guillermo Del Toro's sequel to the surprisingly good first Hellboy goes off without a hitch. Great direction and action make up for the pretty lame story and generic story between Hellboy and Liz. I liked the humor in places and for the most part the humor helped the story along. Some of the film changes the tone of a dark story to a total comic book film, which takes away from what could've been even better of a movie. Del Toro's imagination is on display in full force here and that's what makes this movie work over your normal comic movies. The story has some holes that don't really ever explain why or how the earth became home to two different worlds, especially when there was no mention of them in the first movie. Not that the movie is ruined because of it, but it's nice for the sequels to mesh with the others and play off each other. A solid movie with lot's of summer fun. It's one of the better summer flicks, but not the best or even close to the worst.
Monday, July 14, 2008
In Kimberly Peirce's follow up to "Boys Don't Cry", she tries her hand on a controversial topic in "Stop-Loss". Named after the military program that sends soldiers back for another tour of duty after they have already served their full term. This is just another attempt at making a drama out of war and It was very average at best. No characters that I actually cared for and the story of a decorated Sgt. on the run to prove a point, really did nothing for me. It was between a war movie and a drama, but neither one of them was that interesting. Quite boring with no reason or point. It could've have been a good movie with a better script or story, but it just lacks any intriguing or entertainment value on any level. I will say that I thought it was a solid effort on the production side, but just fell flat on the artistic side. Barely worth renting.
Sunday, July 6, 2008
"Hell no". Will Smith does not say this for the second straight film and I'm getting tired of it. "Hancock" is a little different take on the superhero genre and it starts off quite well. The trailers really don't give away any of what this movie is really about either. You know he's a superman, but what you don't know is what's the real story here? They have to try and get his whole backstory into 90 minutes what took other superhero's years to do. That's where this movie loses a little steam. It's a good concept, but when the past starts to come out and turns into more of a drama is the weak part of this film. It's also the part that makes this different from what you've seen a million times with all the other franchises out there. I would have liked to see them set up his character, rather than just try and explain who he is through conversations with others. That's where it's a little messy, but still entertains and has some fun. Not one of Will Smith's best efforts, but not terrible. There are still some laughs, even if he doesn't say "Hell no". I can't say that you need to see this, but I also can't say not too either.
This is not another "Matrix" rip off. I wasn't sure if this was going to be another summer action film that just throws some special effects and no story or not. The trailers made this movie look like it could be fun and let me tell you something it is! The best thing about the trailers are that they don't give away any of the story and it's actully a pretty darn good one. This movie has action,humor,style and most of all a story that you don't see coming at all. It's quite refreshing to see some really great eye candy with an interesting plot. With a great opeining action sequence and a great finale on a train that is remarkable. Or is that really the finale? Just when you thought you're watching the final act they add another act that doesn't drag on, but is there to finish the story. Great pacing and really fun and cool action sequences that will entertain the hell out of you. Don't let Angelina Jolie being in this film scare you away. One of the best action films that I've seen in a long time. I'd go see this while it's still in the theaters.
I've only seen the show a few times as a kid, so that didn't go into my critique of this film. I wasn't too sure of why I was going to see this film, but it was the new release of the week and I was entertained enough. I'm not a huge fan of Steve Carrell, but he does some good work and I really enjoyed his comic timing in this film. Anne Hathaway is smoking hot and adds to the film surprisingly. The movie kinda gets lost between a total spy spoof or an action film and I really liked they way they decided to do this film. It was never too stupid and Maxwell Smart never just accidentally stumbles across to killing the bad guys. He is quite compentent to a certain level and I'm glad for the movies sake. The story and characters are paper thin, but come on it's a summer action/comedy movie? I thought this could've been terrible, but Carrell is very likeable and pulls of some great gags. Funnier than I thought it would be, but it's no laugh riot. Not a must see, but if you like Carrell I'd check it out on DVD.
This film is very beautifully done and looks magnificent! It's Pixar at it's artistic best! That's saying a lot. I've always been a huge fan of Pixar films. They have great stories and they are for both kids and adults. The imagination never ends and they always pull it off with such grace.
Wall E is no different, except this is a new take for Pixar. The main characters don't talk and it's more of a love story? The funny thing is, Pixar actually pulls it off with little to no dialouge. The first half hour or so it', just getting to meet the new character and finding out the backstory with out much talking. The humor is there, but not like most Pixar films. It's quite odd, but also intriguing. When Wall E finally does interact with humans and the story hits mach speed that's when the artistic side goes and becomes more of the summer adventure most expect. Ironically this is the weakest part of the film, but it still works and the heart behind Wall E is pure Disney.
Not the most entertaining as a summer Pixar film or the best Pixar film to date, but a new and exciting version of what's to come from Pixar? I hope so. They just keep inventing new ways to tell old stories. I'd go see this film for sure. It's one of the best films of the year.
Sunday, June 15, 2008

M. Night Shymalan's latest has been getting ripped apart by critics. It's not a classic M. Night film, but it's his style and writing that still makes it interesting. The beginning of the movie starts off with a bang and is very chilling! He builds suspense with the best of them. He's right up there with Hitchcock, but then he kinda twirls out of control in the second half. He sets up a very good and scary premise, but he doesn't quite know how to finish it. His movies are all about the characters and their relationships with each other over the gore or the fake scare. His screenplays tend to be written with a little different language than most and for that it seems a little wierd, but thinking back on all of his films, they are all like that and it's just his style. There is no crazy flip twisted ending here either. The climax that he does give you is a little lacking in film terms, but there is an ending and a little monolague at the end that tries to give answers, but fails. This was a very promising start and a decent enough of a finish to recommend it to you. If you enjoy his films, than give this a shot and you'll proabably have a '''what" reaction to it when it's over. That's what his films do. He doesn't make films by the book or the normal formula and that is why I still think he's one of the best film makers out there today. No matter what any critics or A.D.D. audiences think. This film is an aquired taste and belongs in his catalog of films to date. Not his best but not his worst. A new take on a different kind of horror film.

Let me just say that I really enjoyed Ang Lee's version. The style, drama, and the little action it had. That being said, it lacked a good villian and a great climax. I would've loved to mix the two together, but hopefully they release Edward Norton's cut of "The Incredible Hulk" on dvd.
This new version acts like the other one doesn't even exist. The opening credits basically tell you what Ang Lee took hours to tell you, but in a montage way. This was an entertaining telling of the Hulk and it has enough character and drma to hold my attention without it being too stupid. Each scene is there to move you towards the next action scene. I just never really feel for Bruce Banner, but I did enjoy the Hulk smashing shit up. The ending is a cool fight scene, but with no substance or leaving me wanting more. It's no "Iron Man", but it entertains and that's half the battle. I'd definatley give this movie a try if you want to see a summer smashing.

Another Japenese thriller re-make. I've been dissappointed in all of them, except with "The Ring". Fortuneately this follows that pattern more than the other films from Japan. There were some creepy parts in this film that surprised me. They stick to the formula that worked for "The Ring" and that's also its downfall. Nothing new, but atleast they stuck with something that works. It's almost like watching the same movie, but with just a different gimmick. No video tape, but this time there is an eye transplant and Jessica Alba can see what her donor saw. Which is some supernatural events that lead her to find her donor and her whole back story. Sound familiar yet? She finds that she needs to finish something for her and that's where the movie turns from a super natural thriller to your straight ahead thriller. Then you know exactly what's going to happen and it does. Not as good as the Ring, but had some entertainment value. Better than any other Japenese import of late, but that's not really saying much.

Will Ferrell is a hit or miss type of guy. I think he does better with somebody to play off of. He's great with little doses of himself. I hated Blades of Glory when he was really the only guy to focus on and it was too over the top. I expected the same from "Semi- Pro" and it surprised me a little. It wasn't terrible like it's predecesor, but it still lacked what an "old school" or "Talladega Nights" had. It's humor relied on vulgarity and that's really what made me laugh the most, but it shows the lack of skill involved in the film. No great laughs or thrills, only Will Ferrell and that's simply not enough. I'd say that this is a step in the right direction, but I hope his next movie is leaps and bounds better. I'd rent this, but it's not a classic "Will Ferrell" movie. I'm hoping his next venture in "Step Brothers"is.
Saturday, May 31, 2008

Much more entertaining than the first. Still not really that good of a movie. This takes place in a town and not just with a few explorers like the first. A much bloodier and more adult take on this series which does it more justice, but no character development or much substance to the plot. Just another way to get the Aliens and predator together again for a face off. No one wins again and it's just another way to exploit thier respective franchises. Still I vote for this one over the first one, based on it's R rating and just more fighthing. Neither one is a good movie, but this one makes the time go by faster at least.

This movie is as terrible as the name! It's a Uwe Boll film and that's all you need to know. He's known as the worst director still working. I've seen a couple of his films, all video game adaptations. All terrible, seriously you can't get much worse than his films. I never thought he was getting a fair shake, but he's by far the worst director I've ever seen. It's hard to explain without watching one of his films. Bad acting and story telling. His films just never seem to mesh and make much sense. Anyone who thinks Michael Bay or Mc G or bad directors haven't seen anything yet. They might not be the best character and story directors, but they are competent at what they do. I really don't think this Uwe Boll guy has a clue.
I'd say watch one of his films, so you can truly understand what I'm talking about. Theres a difference between being a so called "bad director" and simply not knowing what you're doing. Somebody tell me how he still makes movies and better yet somebody tell me why I'm still watching them?

Jodie Foster is no Denzel. "Man on Fire" a far superior film, but this one tries to show the dramatic version of a near death fight and the affects it takes on one's body and mind. Jodie Foster does a good job playing the victim of an assault on her and her fiance. Terrance Howard plays the detective hot on the trail of the killings she leaves behind and they form a mutual bond, but the movie just never really got to me. I didn't really care if she got arrested or killed. I kept waiting to cheer for her, but it never happened. It's just your normal drama of a lady trying to over come her past. Worth a viewing, but don't go outta your way to see this one.

A Lock Ness monster story for kids? Let's just say my netflix list is sending my 2nd and 3rd tier films right now. It's actually a fun family film. Really nothing bad or special about this story. They don't really add anything that you haven't heard before. It's stright forward, but it holds your attention for a the running time and I'm satisfied with the end product. It's another story of a kid and his pet and the bond between them. It's no E.T., but it follows that formula and doesn't wreck it, but brings nothing new.
Watch it with if your bored or on t.v. sometime.
Grades for my movies are on the bottom of the review by "labels".

Let's just say I'm a huge fan of sequels and adding to beloved franchises. I mean you only have to look back as far as "Rambo" to see there can still be some great moments for old characters, even 15 to 20 years later. If anyone else, but Spielberg tried to make another Indy movie than it might have been a disaster, but he knows the character too well and let's just say he made a film that belongs in the Indiana Jones library. Could've it been better? Sure. It could've of been a hell of a lot worse though. I put it #3 of the 4. I appreciate what Temple of Doom was trying, but it was just not an Indy film. More of an action and less hidden treasure film, but still good in it's own way, just not the way it is with the other 3 films.
What I liked was that Harrison Ford was back and fell right into place as Dr. Jones without a beat. He didn't use his whip enough, but his wise cracks and character were back and in full effect. I liked the old school look of the film, but then they go and add too much CGI for no reason at all. The film was corny and not the most realistic, but that's how this franchise has always been, so it fitted right in. Entertaining and well made for the content.
What I didn't like was the story. Not really a fan of the crystal skulls and the mythology behind them. I didn't hate the story, but it took all this time for this story? I think they could've came up with this a long time ago. I was hoping the time and re writes and all the scripts meant they found a great artifact to go after? Shia Lebeouf was solid and didn'nt really add much, but he sure didn't hurt the film either. His swinging from the vines needs to be on the cutting room floor, but I understand that they wanted him to save the day, so they can hand him the keys in the coming episodes. It wasn't much of an hunt either. It came to easy for him to find this Akator city of gold? Didn't it seem like it was just a question a way and really no problem solving? Anyways I'm glad they brought him back and I am looking forward to another one, but with Indy in the leading role still. Not quite ready for him to take a supporting actor role in his own films.
I'd go see this film if you like the character. Good summer fun.
Saturday, May 17, 2008

A stylistic thriller that starts off with some promise, but then runs into the same cliche' enings of most suspense murder movies. The movie starts off with a good setup and premise to a killer that's killing people while people watch online and the more who watch the faster the victims dies. Then it just jumps the shark! Too much story needs to be told to the viewer over them discovering it out on their own. It's not a who dunnit movie either. So the mystery isn't even there. It's just a mildy entertaining movie that had promise but loses it's luster in the 3rd act. Not a bad rental, but not a must.

Been there and done that before. It's a pretty lame story with an ending you can see a mile away. The stylistic Wachowski bros have a brought some eye candy that goes dull half-way through a 2 hour kid's movie. It has some laughs and some cool action segments, but a film this does not make. A good cast, but with nothing to go off of. Don't expect to hear too much from this film or franchise in the future. Without the style there is absolutely nothing there. I'd rent it if you wanted to see the eye candy for a while.

An Indie crime/drama that is very depressing, but still manages to entertain in a wierd way. Phillip Seymour Hoffman is great as usual and Ethan Hawke plays his brother. They decide to rob their parents jewelry store and all hell breaks loose. Anything that can go wrong, does go wrong. It's a dark and depressing story, but good performances and some nice style from different character views. Nothing new was brought to this film, but still done well and held my interest throughout the running time. Not for everyone, because it is character driven and not a lot of action or comedy. It's an intense story that is worth a shot.

I knew this would be a fun and entertaining film from the start, but I didn't know that it would be a solid movie from start to finish too. I'm very impressed with what "Mikey"(jon favareau) did with the material. He's starting to show a good feel for character direction and story. This could've been just a special effects action film, but he used action to move the story and character forward. This is just a character Arc of Tony Stark(Downey Jr.). The story mirrors a lot of "Batman Begins". It just starts the character and then there is a villian and all and a finale that satisfies, but it's really just the beginning of something bigger and better. Way better than I thought it was going to be, but still no "Batman Begins"! The franchise is off to a good start as long as they have a story in mind for the character and they don't make it up as they go for more money. Go see this now!
Monday, April 28, 2008

This movie is another reason why books aren't important. I hadn't heard of this Charlie dude in class before, but you make a movie about him and I'm now a historian on the conflict between Afghanistan and the Soviet Union. I thought this story would be slow and boring and I only watched it because I have netflix and it's my job to watch these films for my audience.
Let me just say that it was really quite good! Phillip Seymour Hoffman is great and funny in it. It's not too political if that's what you think. Like my previous reviewed "Lion for Lambs". It's a pretty big piece of history that I'm guessing a lot of people don't know that well. It's fast paced with humor, drama, and even some nudity! If you think it's going to be a boring drama, don't let it fool you. It's highly entertaining and I highly recommend it. It's on DVD now.

I don't know what to think of this movie? It's an Apatow production with him getting some writing credits, so I was ready for a smart comedy and got "Walk Hard" instead. I know it's a spoof of all the biographies of musicians that tell the same old drug addiction and womanizing stories of men who rose to the top. I really liked the comedy in that sense, but then it turns into this crazy and over the top style of movie. John C. Reilly does another great job with his comedic timing and is very funny, but at times it's just too stupid! I thought Apatow would bring a more smarter and realistic spoof, but it's good enough, just not what I've come to expect from his productions. It's worth seeing, but there is some cox in the film(if you get what I'm saying). It's a hard "R" film. View at your own risk.
Sunday, April 20, 2008

This movie starts out as an intriguing face off between Cruise and Streep and then turns into a talk fest that never seems to end. The story follows three different scenarios playing out in an hours time. The politician vs. reporter. The professor and the student. The army vs. the Taliban. It's the same model as "Babel" and "Crash". It works at times and kept me interested in the story for a while. It's a very short film too, but when it's all said and done all you're left with is your own thoughts. Which isn't bad, but it's nothing new. You get to hear all sides of the argument and never really get preached to what's right and what's wrong. It's very talkative with little to do. The swift hour and a half movie takes place mostly in three different sets, so you don't really get that film feeling for it.
It's not a terrible film, but it could've been better if the movie had a point or at least brought some new ideas about the war on terror conflict. In the end you get a film that wants to make you step back and think about where you stand, but all I thought about was if I wanted nachos or tacos for dinner. It's worth a view if you like political films. Not political thrillers, just politics.

Another Judd Apatow production and another Judd Apatow winner! Although he does not direct this film, it has the feel of one of his films. It's written by Jason Sigel, one of his protege's, who alos stars. A very basic story and plot, but yet still delivers a funny and raunchy version of a break up and how you get over the love of your life. This is by no means the best of the Apatow collection, but it belongs in the faternity. "Knocked UP", "SuperBad", and "The 40 Year Old Virgin" or all superior, but this could've have been a terrible movie if done wrong. It's a comedy that's very funny with a story and character, where as there are too many comedies that just try to make you laugh with no point. All the great comedies use humor to tell a story. I highly recommend this film if you like any of the previous "R" rated Apatow movies.

Two words. Over rated! That might be one word, but that's besides the point. Although a good movie and worth seeing. It's leaps and bounds better than Napolean Dynamite and better than Little Miss Sunshine, but it's not a great film. Don't get me wrong, it's a good movie, but it's nothing I haven't seen done before. The only difference is the dialogue that screenwriter Diablo Cody penned for it. She uses some new slang and so it's a fresh look at an old story. It has it's moments for being funny, but not anywhere near the best film of the year. I seriously don't know why the academy fell in love with this film. I think because it wasn't a huge studio film, it got blown out of proportion. It's a good film and I'd recommend it, but don't expect one of the top 5 films of 2007.

This is not a boxing movie, but it's a true story based on a writer who wrote a story about a boxer and the consequences of what he finds out. Samuel L. Jackson has a good performance as a "homeless" man, not a "bum". Josh Hartnett plays a journalist who is trying for the big time and only gets the small sports stories. The real story is about his family and how to deal with his son and estranged wife. The boxing part of the movie is really just a metaphor for his life. Being based on a true story is what makes this a better movie. Without giving anything away, it's a good morale story and a better movie than I thought it was going to be. I'd classify this movie as a hidden gem, because I was thankfully surprised that I liked the story and message of this film. Nothing special or great about this film, but I'd go and rent it.
Saturday, April 5, 2008

My basketball number, the legal age of drinking, Lawrence Moten's number, and now the movie. The #21 never seems to fail. I'm really glad I went to see this film. I was going to pass and wait for dvd, but I went and it entertained! Especially if you enjoy cards, drama, and even some comedy. It's directed by a guy with really no dramatic background, but he's done a couple of decent comedies. The main one being "Legally Blonde". It's based on a book loosely about some MIT students who take Vegas for millions. The film explains the system and shows you on screen, so you're never lost. It's an intrguing art form. If you like cards then you'll really get into this film and if you don't, you'll learn a little and still like the drama of the film. I was very surprised with how much I liked this film. Nothing new or special, but a for sure must see. I'd highly recommend this movie. It's still in theatres.

This film actually did well at the box office and recieved some pretty good reviews, so I wanted to watch it. I'm a huge fan of disney pictures and to see them mock their earlier pictures sounded like a good idea. It's totally an old school cheesy disney production that kids will love. Adults will get the satire and enjoy the live action part of the film, which is most of it. If you can't guess the exact ending, then you need to go back to your childhood and look for it. Amy Adams doesn an excellent job as a fairytale princess to be. She plays the role of the disney perfect girl to a tee. It's a good fun movie that kept me entertained, eventhough I knew what was going to happen. It's not great, but it's good if you like family fun. I'd check it out on dvd.
Sunday, March 30, 2008

I had read a lot of negative reviews and how they were going to tone down the violence for a pg-13 rating and all, but they didn't and it helped this film. It's a violent take on a violent video game adaptation. I was expecting the worst, but I got a somewhat entertaining show. It has it holes and flaws, believe me. It still had some good action and a fast pacing to it. Timothy Olyphant plays agent 47 and he's terrible in it it. He was the worst thing about "Live Free or Die hard" too. It's almost laughable. The other cast isn't much better. The story is pretty normal and cliche' too. But I knew it would be, so it get's the job done as your normal seen that before movie. It's very average and a step above bad. Don't take it too seriously and you might enjoy the killing and action. It's no Rambo!

This turned out to be a real treat! It coul've gone wrong with either it being too funny or too dramatic. But it walked the fine line and pulled both off quite well. I really enjoyed the pacing of the film too. Never did it seem too slow on the drama part or wasted too much time trying to make you laugh. The laughs came well within the story. It's a nice story of a dad that is coping with his wife's death and trying to raise his 3 daughters at the same time. It all starts to come together when they leave on thier family getaway. There Dan(Steve Carrell) meets a new woman, but she turns out to be visiting her new beau and his family that same weekend. It turns out that her new boyfriend is Dan's Brother and that's where the comedy and drama start. I was very entertained and I really enjoyed seeing what happens to this family. The ending could've been better, but I still liked the message of the ending. I just thought it could've been written or filmed better. Still, I highly recommend this film. Go rent it.

Somebody tell me, how this movie got made? It's too bad for a tv show, let alone a major theatrical release. There is absolutely nothing good or fun or entertaining about this pile of crap! I'm more upset with myself for watching this than the director who made this. Maybe, not that upset. That guy is high on my shit list. I'm sorry, but I can't waste anymore time on this so called film.

I had to watch this documentary after hearing Aberdeen was widely shown in it. It's a wierd style for a documentary though. It's all done with audio interviews with Kurt Cobain set to the video images from Aberdeen,Olympia, and Seattle. The last two cities couldn't quite capture the essence that Aberdeen did on film though. Seattle's skylines and beauty were no match for Aberdeen's as well. But that's not what the film was about? Or was it? For about a half hour there were tons of Aberdeen images with Kurt talking about growing up in the background. From AHS to Mayr Brothers' logging. Even a fellow High School Classmate made the final cut. The Majestic beauty of Aberdeen wasn't enough to make this a must see. If you're a die hard Cobain fan or Aberdeen fan, then you might like it, but it's really just a bunch of video and jabbering with a crazy dude that blew his head off.

It took me a while to see this film, but well worth the wait. This film would've been in my top ten for sure! That's the good news. Well I agree that it was a really good film, it was not the best film of 2007! The Academy got this one dead wrong. It had all the elements that best pictures need to win, so I don't fault them there. Great acting, story, and direction. Just a couple of key choices that kept it from being the best.
The movie starts out with a great synopsis and follows it for most of the film. It's just a normal chase after some drug money on the surface. That's the entertaining part and it grows more in depth with the Tommy Lee Jones character. The Coen Brothers who won for best direction change the direction of the film. This I didn't like so much. It's their style and a lot of people like it, but it took away from the pace and energy that dragged me into the story. They leave a couple of story plots up to the viewer to decide. Which is good and bad. I thought bad in this case, because it just left the viewer hanging. The movie would've been the best picture if they stayed true through the entire film. Still though, it was a well thought and for the most part entertaining picture from almost start to finish. I highly recommend this film and decide for yourself if they could've or should've did it a little different.
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