Wednesday, October 22, 2008


I feel sorry for Marky Mark. From "The Departed" and oscar nominee to this pile of dung? I've never played the game, but I know that it's bloody and has lot's of killing and this showed really none of it. It's PG-13! "Live Free or Die Hard" pulled it off with some great editing, but this isn't close. The story is so broken it's not even funny. The so called twist I could've figured out when I was in diapers and most of all it's boring and no fun! Give me some killing with some fun camera angles and maybe some blood. I can say that I liked some of the photography, but the snow shots are a little much after the 100th time. This feels like it got slapped together and it shows. Save your money for "The Dark Knight" on DVD and Blu-Ray.

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