Monday, April 28, 2008


This movie is another reason why books aren't important. I hadn't heard of this Charlie dude in class before, but you make a movie about him and I'm now a historian on the conflict between Afghanistan and the Soviet Union. I thought this story would be slow and boring and I only watched it because I have netflix and it's my job to watch these films for my audience.

Let me just say that it was really quite good! Phillip Seymour Hoffman is great and funny in it. It's not too political if that's what you think. Like my previous reviewed "Lion for Lambs". It's a pretty big piece of history that I'm guessing a lot of people don't know that well. It's fast paced with humor, drama, and even some nudity! If you think it's going to be a boring drama, don't let it fool you. It's highly entertaining and I highly recommend it. It's on DVD now.

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