Sunday, April 20, 2008


Two words. Over rated! That might be one word, but that's besides the point. Although a good movie and worth seeing. It's leaps and bounds better than Napolean Dynamite and better than Little Miss Sunshine, but it's not a great film. Don't get me wrong, it's a good movie, but it's nothing I haven't seen done before. The only difference is the dialogue that screenwriter Diablo Cody penned for it. She uses some new slang and so it's a fresh look at an old story. It has it's moments for being funny, but not anywhere near the best film of the year. I seriously don't know why the academy fell in love with this film. I think because it wasn't a huge studio film, it got blown out of proportion. It's a good film and I'd recommend it, but don't expect one of the top 5 films of 2007.

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