Saturday, May 31, 2008


Let's just say I'm a huge fan of sequels and adding to beloved franchises. I mean you only have to look back as far as "Rambo" to see there can still be some great moments for old characters, even 15 to 20 years later. If anyone else, but Spielberg tried to make another Indy movie than it might have been a disaster, but he knows the character too well and let's just say he made a film that belongs in the Indiana Jones library. Could've it been better? Sure. It could've of been a hell of a lot worse though. I put it #3 of the 4. I appreciate what Temple of Doom was trying, but it was just not an Indy film. More of an action and less hidden treasure film, but still good in it's own way, just not the way it is with the other 3 films.

What I liked was that Harrison Ford was back and fell right into place as Dr. Jones without a beat. He didn't use his whip enough, but his wise cracks and character were back and in full effect. I liked the old school look of the film, but then they go and add too much CGI for no reason at all. The film was corny and not the most realistic, but that's how this franchise has always been, so it fitted right in. Entertaining and well made for the content.

What I didn't like was the story. Not really a fan of the crystal skulls and the mythology behind them. I didn't hate the story, but it took all this time for this story? I think they could've came up with this a long time ago. I was hoping the time and re writes and all the scripts meant they found a great artifact to go after? Shia Lebeouf was solid and didn'nt really add much, but he sure didn't hurt the film either. His swinging from the vines needs to be on the cutting room floor, but I understand that they wanted him to save the day, so they can hand him the keys in the coming episodes. It wasn't much of an hunt either. It came to easy for him to find this Akator city of gold? Didn't it seem like it was just a question a way and really no problem solving? Anyways I'm glad they brought him back and I am looking forward to another one, but with Indy in the leading role still. Not quite ready for him to take a supporting actor role in his own films.

I'd go see this film if you like the character. Good summer fun.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

The kid swinging from the vines and the stupid CGI gophers needed to go for sure. The rest of the movie was great fun and captured the spirit of the Indy franchise. I liked the alien storyline but agree that they found the place a little too easily.