Wednesday, September 10, 2008

I'm back and ready to go.

I first would like to apologize to all my fans out there for putting up with my hiatus. As many of you know, I have recently become a doggfather, just like Snoop. She is a pain in the ass, but totally worth it! Since she is only 3 months old as of this message, she definately needs lots of attention and potty breaks. I can no longer go the the theater at will now, since I have to babysit as soon as I get off of work and I just can't let Sarah take care of Nala. She alos cost a pretty penny and movies,popcorn, and soda aren't cheap.

Since a couple of my fans have pointed out that I hadn't updated my blog in sometime, I thought it was time to make some time to write some new posts.

I have watched many movies, but only in the past couple of weeks have I started back and all of them from home. The internet is a great tool for skipping the cinemas. I wish I could go, but hopefully in the near future I'll make it back to the multiplexes for the Oscar season, even though we all know the best film of the year has already been out for almost nine weeks! I too have watched it at home two more times. Taking my total viewing of "The Dark Knight" up to 5.

My next posts will be brief for the duds and a grade as usual, but if there are any worth writing about, they will get the full attention they deserve. In the words of the Joker, "Here we go".

Enjoy and I hope to be updated weekly if possible, but we all know good things come to those who wait..................................................That is intedned for Edwards and mom. Thanks and have a good Oscar season at the movies.


Rocket the reviewer

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