Sunday, June 15, 2008


Another Japenese thriller re-make. I've been dissappointed in all of them, except with "The Ring". Fortuneately this follows that pattern more than the other films from Japan. There were some creepy parts in this film that surprised me. They stick to the formula that worked for "The Ring" and that's also its downfall. Nothing new, but atleast they stuck with something that works. It's almost like watching the same movie, but with just a different gimmick. No video tape, but this time there is an eye transplant and Jessica Alba can see what her donor saw. Which is some supernatural events that lead her to find her donor and her whole back story. Sound familiar yet? She finds that she needs to finish something for her and that's where the movie turns from a super natural thriller to your straight ahead thriller. Then you know exactly what's going to happen and it does. Not as good as the Ring, but had some entertainment value. Better than any other Japenese import of late, but that's not really saying much.

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