Thursday, September 25, 2008


They chose to make a remake of this film? That baffles me. Oh, Nic Cage where have you gone? This movie really has no redeeming qualities about it. It's got no point, but even if it did, I don't think anyone would care. Cage plays an assasin that while in Bangkok has a change of heart. I know you think you've seen this story before and you sort of have. The main difference is that those other movies all that happened early and spent the rest of the movie escaping the life. This whole movie is one slow moving moment to get to his change and then it's pretty much over. I beg of you, don't watch this film. Watch "The Dark Knight" again! I know I did. I try and defend some of Nic Cage's choices, but his last couple are too hard for me to defend.

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