Sunday, March 30, 2008


I had to watch this documentary after hearing Aberdeen was widely shown in it. It's a wierd style for a documentary though. It's all done with audio interviews with Kurt Cobain set to the video images from Aberdeen,Olympia, and Seattle. The last two cities couldn't quite capture the essence that Aberdeen did on film though. Seattle's skylines and beauty were no match for Aberdeen's as well. But that's not what the film was about? Or was it? For about a half hour there were tons of Aberdeen images with Kurt talking about growing up in the background. From AHS to Mayr Brothers' logging. Even a fellow High School Classmate made the final cut. The Majestic beauty of Aberdeen wasn't enough to make this a must see. If you're a die hard Cobain fan or Aberdeen fan, then you might like it, but it's really just a bunch of video and jabbering with a crazy dude that blew his head off.

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