Wednesday, December 22, 2010


I was torn when I first heard about this film. My favorite actress teaming up with one of my least favorite directors(Darren Aronofsky). Natalie Portman gives a fantastic performance in a movie that is actually directed very well for his interpretation. The only problem is that Aronofsky's interpretation is fucking boring. Aronovsky uses his own odd and different techniques to tell a basic story. His vision of two dancers battling for the title role in "Swan Lake" is dark and crazy. I can see how it will get critical praise, because of it's unique approach to telling an old story. I just don't see a good movie in his adaptation. I couldn't wait for it to end and that's never a good sign. I was never intrigued or cared what happened to either dancer. This movie is strange and dark and nothing more.

Two dancers compete for the title role in "Swan Lake". If only the movie was as easy as the plot summary.

I wouldn't recommend this to anyone that likes to be entertained at the movies. A rental at best! I tried to like it, but not one bit of entertainment value in this movie.


I remember the origianl when I was a kid, so I thought a new movie with today's technology would make this a bad ass movie. I was half way correct. The visuals and the world they create are top notch, but unfortunately it lacks a great story and screenplay. The movie loses some momentum once the gladiatorial games are finished, but holds on for an adequate finish. With a better story this could've been a great movie, but you'll have to settle for a cool movie instead. This is this years "Avatar". A good movie that lacks a good script, but its still a cool and entertaining movie. The 3D is actually worth the price of admission, unlike so many other movies that are released in 3D.

Flynn's son discovers his dad's secret office at his old arcade 20 years after his dad's disappearance. He then gets transferred into the grid world, where his dad was trapped.

I recommend this to everyone who wants to go and be entertained, but don't have too high of hopes on anything more than a fun ride. Take the story and roll with it for some fun and cool visuals.


This series of movies got off to a good start with "The Lion, The Witch, & The Wardrobe", but the follow up just didn't have the same magic or style to it. The third installment declines ever so slightly. The pacing is fine, but the characters and story just get glossed over so quickly to get to the next scene. All of these movies have religious over tones to them, but this is by far the one that shows it the most. The movie is satisfying enough, but it just can't conj our up the same mystique as the original did a few years ago.

Edmund, Lucy, and their cousin travel to a peaceful Narnia this time and they are quickly picked up by King Caspian on his ship "The Dawn Treader". They set off to find the lords that never returned home. That's where their adventure starts.

I liked this movie enough to not warn you away from it, but it's not a must see. If you've read or seen the previous movies than you might want to rent this one.

Friday, December 10, 2010


It's quite an achievement to keep an entire cast together for so many movies that are spread out over a decade. They do it to perfection with the Harry Potter series and I never get tired or bored of any of the characters. They're all back and ready to finally take a stand against Lord Voldermort. I stopped reading the books after "The Secret of Chambers" and the movies really tell a fluent story with the right amount of information about the characters that you don't need to read the entire series. The only problem with this installment is that they split it up into two movies(I know they had to, but the ending suffers a little bit for it). It sort of makes you feel ripped off, but also gives you some anticipation for the final movie. Good fun, action, comedy, and most of all story. I can't wait to watch the final battle at Hogwarts in the last movie. Hopefully it can compare to the duel between Obi-wan and Anakin in "Revenge of the Sith". I really enjoyed the dark side of HP 7 and it's one of the best of the series yet.

Harry Potter, Hermoine, and Ron are on the run from the Death Eaters when they find out what The Deathly Hallows are.

This is a must see for everyone, but especially if you enjoyed any of the books or movies so far.


I never really knew the story of Rapunzel, so it's only fitting that I learn the story from the best in the business. Disney puts their magical touch on another fairy tale that could've been very boring and dull if told through the wrong eyes. I'm not gonna say that this is a classic like "The Lion King", but it's a darn good fairy tale that has the songs and comedy mixed in to help tell the story. The voice talent isn't bad, but nothing really stands out on that end of the story. A fun and entertaining way to finally learn the story of Rapunzel.

A baby is stolen from the royal family by a woman who wants to be young forever and she needs Rapunzel's magical long flowing hair to achieve it. She is held captive in a tower for 18 years and she finally decides to go out with a guide and that's when the story takes off.

This is a rental for sure, but I wouldn't quite say that you need to rush to the theatres for this movie. It's good, but not great. Good to see that Disney still has the magic.

Monday, November 15, 2010


The latest collaboration between Tony Scott and Denzel does NOT disappoint! I was a little worried after "The Taking of Pelham 123", but I worried for no reason. This is a great action movie that has no villian. No hijackers or bombs or anything of the sort. Very well directed and the pacing was great. The perfect amount of character development, but not too much to drag the movie down. I really enjoyed how Tony Scott chose to tell the story through the eyes of the live news reports that are covering the runaway train. A nice blend of action, suspense, heart, and some laughs to entertain anyone. One of the best surprises of the year. An action movie that gets it right.

Loosely based on true events. Denzel and Chris Pine find themselves in the middle of trying to stop a runaway train that is loaded with haze mattes that could demolish a hugely populated city.

The best action movie in recent memory. Go for the fun, action, and some goosebumps. I can't recommend this movie enough. Good times all around.

EASY A(2010)

I'm not too sure if any of you have heard of this movie? It's an homage to the classic John Hughe's 80's movies. This is a very clever and well written movie that will make you laugh and remember the 80's at the same time. Emma Stone("Superbad","Zombieland") is fantastic as the lead actress and she really creates a great character here. This is not a raunchy teen comedy, but it has a smart script that is funny in it's own way. A great ensemble cast and very well done from the opening scene until the classic last scene.

The movie is loosely inspired by "The Scarlett Letter", but don't be fooled it's not just a remake or a contemporary take on it. Emma Stone lies about having a date to get out of going camping with her best friend. Her fake date then turns into fake sex and it just gets bigger and bigger until she must decide to fix her life.

I'd highly recommend this movie. You don't see too many smart comedies this day and age. Anyone who grew up on John Hughes movies will love this nice homage to his films.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


Been here, done that. That sums up this new animated movie from DreamWorks pictures. A total homage to the original Superman movies and it also resembles an early release this year("Despicable Me"). It's a fun and easy time at the movies, but it's just a re-hash story told with a different hero. The voice talent is pretty good with Will Ferrell, Tina Fey, and Jonah Hill leading the way. It's an entertaining movie and the kids will absolutely love it, but it's just a fun and mediocre film for the adults.

When Megamind's arch Nemesis is finally killed he is forced to come up with a new superhero to fight. This leads to some startling discoveries about himself.

I'd rent this movie for sure, but I wouldn't rush or go out of my way to see this movie. It's fun and quick, but far from the classic animated movies.

DUE DATE(2010)

This movie didn't look even close to as funny or as good as "The Hangover", but I decided to give it a chance based on the director's past history with comedies. I must say that it was a big disappointment from start to finish. I chuckled a few times, but there were never any any great lines or scenes that made me want to have a repeat viewing right away. The movie is a poor man's "Planes, Trains, & Automobiles". The entire movie seemed forced and rushed into production of the huge success of "The Hangover". The movie consisted of multiple sketches put together while they traveled across country. The characters and story are forgotten the second the scene is over. There are plenty worse comedies out there, but not even close to Todd Phillips best effort.

Two opposites are forced to travel across country in a car, because they are put on the no-fly list at the airport. It's that simple of a plot. They didn't even really try.

If you like "R" rated comedies than this might pass the time, but don't expect a great comedic achievement here.

Monday, October 25, 2010


Clint Eastwood's latest film intrigued me to say the least. A drama/supernatural that tells the story of how three different perspectives deal with death. An ambitious idea that falls pretty flat unfortunately. You get lost and extremely bored at the three stories being told in the two hour plus running time. You don't ever care or know where the story is going. The movie just ends and leaves you wondering what the purpose of the movie was? It's not a total bomb, but one of Eastwood's weaker stories to date.

Matt Damon is a psychic with the ability to genuinely talk to the dead. He's given up on that life, so he can try and live a normal life. Across the world a lady has a near death experience while drowning and is left to figure out her life. While a boy is left to figure out why his brother is gone and how to cope with death.

This is a rental at best, but be prepared for a slow and drawn out story.


This is what " The Expendables" should've been. They are both along the same lines, but "Red" is the PG-13 version. The story has some loop holes and is kinda vague, but it's fun and entertaining so I can forgive some of the technical crap. No "Oscar" performances here, but the great ensemble cast does their jobs just fine. This movie has been made a million times, but I had a good time watching this movie and you can't say that about most movies made today.

Bruce Willis is a retired C.I.A. agent when he is targeted for assassination. He then heads off to try and figure out who would want to kill him. He reunites with some former agents and a love interest along the way.

I can't highly recommend this, but I'd give it a shot if you like any action movies. Not a great film, but an enjoyable one.


I finally got around to watching this highly acclaimed movie and it didn't disappoint. This movie will be nominated for best picture and rightfully so. This could've been a long a boring narrative about the creation of what is "Facebook", but David Fincher directs this movie with perfect story telling skills. Fincher cuts all the extra fat off and tells a very compelling story with the perfect pacing. The editing is right up there with "Inception". The story cuts back and forth from past to present with incredible precision. The acting was top notch as well. Even the dude from N'Sync(J.T. or also know as Justin Timberlake) showed some acting chops. An intriguing story that should be seen for yourself.

The movie tells how "Facebook" was created in a Harvard dorm rooms and the law suits that surrounded the billion dollar company.

It's no secret that I'm highly recommending this movie to everyone. Time will tell if it can stand up to "Inception" for the biggest award of all. I'm not talking about "The Oscars" either.

Monday, October 4, 2010


With Halloween quickly approaching I thought I'd review a "scary" movie. "The Last Exorcism" is produced in the same mockumentary style as "The Blair Witch" was years ago. That movie was marketed perfectly and was the first of it's kind. I wasn't a fan of that movie or this movie for that matter. I can appreciate the approach and the effort, but the final product is just dull to put it bluntly. The editing is a little too professional for the audience to believe that we are watching raw footage of the documentary being filmed. "Paranormal Activity" is the best and most entertaining version of these types of "scary" movies.

An evangelist sets out to shoot a documentary on his last exorcism to prove that they are all fakes. His "Last Exorcism" turns out to be more than he bargained for.

I wouldn't recommend this film unless you liked any of the previously mentioned films.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

THE TOWN(2010)

I had tabbed this movie as one of the few releases that could compete for my prestigious movie of the year award. While the final product is very good, but it only has an outside shot at the biggest award of the year. Ben Affleck shows a knack for being able to direct a solid story of crime/drama movies, but "The Town" just lacks a little something. A well crafted story that is acted, photographed, and directed beautifully. It's a great mix of "Heat" and "The Departed". This movie really has all the essentials for the "Oscar" season, so I predict many nominations from this movie come award season. A more than adequate follow up to Ben Affleck's directorial debut("Gone Baby Gone").

Ben Affleck is a leader of a bank robbery gang and soon becomes attached to a bank manager that they previously robbed and took hostage. He wants to get out of the game and move away, but is forced to finish one last heist or his new love will pay the price.

This is a must see movie. It didn't blow me away like "Inception", but this is a full rounded movie that ranks up with the best that you'll watch this year. Keep your eyes on this during the awards season.

Friday, September 24, 2010


I can't believe there are four of these movies now! And a fifth to follow soon. All four installments are pretty much the same movie. Just add some different fight sequences and more wire acts and you've got yourself a new "Resident Evil" franchise. A brisk movie with no story or characters, but some decent action that doesn't totally bore me. I've seen much worse, but that's no compliment either.

Milla Jovovich is back and continuing right where the last one left off. She reunites with some friends from the last movie and they look for a camp of refugees, but run into some zombies and the evil "Umbrella" corporation along the way.

I wouldn't waste your time unless you tolerated any of the previous sequels.


"Frozen" is a small release that I had read about and decided that I should give it a viewing. It follows the same mold as "The Ruins" which came out a few years ago. Man versus nature and the mentality of it all. It's a suspense/horror film, but nothing supernatural about it. That's the main difference between the two movies. I enjoyed the realism of the story and the setting. It's a solid character piece and it makes you think about what you would do in the same situation. A little boring, but still a well paced story that is a good diversion from all the special effects movies.

Two best friends and one of their girl friend's go skiing. They later find themselves trapped all alone and high above on the chairlift. Would you try to escape or wait and become "Frozen"?

This is a good rental if you like realistic horror. No monsters, ghosts, or carnage. An interesting movie that I'd recommend.

Friday, September 10, 2010


One of the most boring movies of the year by far! Totally marketed wrong. Almost no action or story at all. It's a character piece on an assassin? Or is it a love story of an assassin? Either way they are both very boring to watch unfold. One of the slowest 90 minutes ever filmed. The pacing is very slow. The editing also makes some jump cuts that makes me wonder. Unless you like slow and boring movies then stay far away from this one. It's not that it's incompetent, but I just don't want to ever watch this movie again.

George Clooney is an assassin that has to relocate after assassins find him. He then has the whole morale, love, and trust issues to deal with.

The trailer might interest you, but be aware that you'll watch a different movie than that.


I've been looking forward to this movie ever since I saw the fake trailer during the "Grindhouse" intermission. A totally over the top "B" movie that had gore, humor, and nudity. A deadly combination to say the least. The final product wasn't as good as the fake trailer, but it still has some redeeming qualities. The character of Machete doesn't have enough ammo to sustain a feature length movie, so the jokes and killings become redundant. It still was a fun time watching it for the first time, but not a movie that gets better the more times you watch it. There are some funny political views mixed in with the gore as well.

After watching his family killed, Machete is set up by the U.S. government as an assassin. Machete then has to fight for the Mexican cause.

This movie is fun, but wears thin at times. Could've been great, but it's a decent time at the movies.

Saturday, August 28, 2010


There have been lots of remakes of earlier slasher/horror movies and they all have pretty much sucked. I've never seen the original "Piranha", but I might have to now. This movie was a blast and top notch entertainment for the fans of blood, guts, and tits! Not a lot of killing in the first two acts of the movie, but the last half hour more than makes up for it. Some great kills and lots of blood and gore. One of the best final acts in a horror film to date. A great ensemble cast with a fast paced story. One of the better surprises of the year.

A small spring break town gets invaded by piranhas. That about says it all.

I highly recommend this movie to anyone who loves the gore and classic 80's horror. Just a totally fun movie that delivers the goods in the end. If you don't like blood or nudity than this isn't for you.


I'm not really sure if this was supposed to be a comedy,drama,romance, or a slice of life movie? The movie really isn't good enough in any of those genres, so that's it's major down fall. Likable leads by Jason Bateman and Jennifer Aniston, but not a lot of chemistry for the romance part of the movie. I liked the idea of the movie, but it seems as if they just put the idea on cruise control and went with it. I think the movie could of been a lot better if they didn't go with the generic and easy way out. You know how the movie is going to end in the first thirty seconds of the movie. There are some good moments in the movie and it's far better than Jennifer Aniston's last disaster("The Bounty Hunter").

Aniston decides she wants a baby and her best friend(Bateman) isn't too high on the idea of a sperm donor. There's a party where Bateman get's wasted and 7 years later the truth comes out.

This is a rental at best. Jason Bateman gives a pretty good performance, but too bland and nothing special.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010


Finally another fun summer action flick has arrived! Just in time to close out the summer season at the movies. I had high hopes for this movie(after Sly's last fantastic outing in 2008). That film was "Rambo" and it was a great treat for the action fans. With a cast of action heroes and Sly back at the helm, what could go wrong? Unfortunately it's far from flawless, but it still did the job. An entertaining film that brought some good gore and one liners. The story and most of the characters are pretty weak, but when they did have something to do, they did it well. I had expected insane action from start to finish, but Sly tried to put some exposition in there and it took away from what could have been an incredible action classic. Anyone who likes summer action films must watch this movie too. Not quite as fun as "The A-team", but still a good time at the movies.

A group of mercenaries(guess what their names are) get tied up in taking out a rogue FBI agent and saving the daughter of the leader who is partners with the ex FBI agent. Not the best story, but go for the killing and action heroes.

This isn't a must see, but it's a really cool and entertaining action flick.


Will Ferrel has hit rock bottom after his ultimate high of "Talladega Nights". He's had some terrible movies(Step Brothers had it's moments, but was pretty bad over all). "The Other Guys" had some hilarious moments, but also misses a decent amount of jokes as well. Will Ferrrel rambles on too much, but funny at times. Marky Mark has a few good lines, but it's clear that he's there just to feed Will Ferrel's lines. The movie loses steam at times, but it still is funny enough to maintain your attention. This is the best cop buddy film in years(that's not saying that much).

Marky Mark was a promising NY city cop until he had an incident. He's now a desk cop with Will Ferrel. When the city's super star cops die, it's time to see who "The Other Guys" are gonna be?

I'd recommend this to anyone who wants to see a new comedy. Not a great comedy, but it's good enough. Not on the same level as the classics, but worth a view.

Monday, August 9, 2010


This is a movie that looked like it could be an interesting idea, but it just settles in as an odd and weird one instead. Very few moments that are funny. The whole movie seems to be improves from Steve Carrell. This is one of the most pointless comedies that I've ever seen and I've seen a lot of comedies in my lifetime. A good a cast and a competent director can't really save this mess. I wonder if there was even a script locked down for this movie or if the director just said"action" and filmed whatever?

Paul Rudd needs to find a schmuck to take to a secret dinner that with get him a promotion at work. He literally runs into Steve Carell and realizes that this guy fits the bill perfectly. Steve Carell then becomes attached to Paul Rudd and ends up screwing up his life and the movie becomes an odd buddies comedy from there.

One of the worst comedies that I've seen in the last few years. This may be a decent movie if you love Steve Carell. A total waste of time. View this movie with caution.

Monday, August 2, 2010


Who is Salt? The answer is a very average movie. You never really know who Salt is during the movie and that's supposed to be the kicker. Unfortunately I knew who she was right away, thus turning this into a very mediocre movie from start to finish. There's really not the fun element here and that's what action movies need to survive. Since the story and characters are usually very stale. It wants to be the female version of Bond or Ethan Hunt and it's just not either of them. An average action/thriller that won't blow you away, but it won't hurt you to watch it either.

Angelina Jolie gets identified by a defected Russian as an undercover spy. She escapes to clear her name, but you don't really know if she even knows who she is. Is she a Russian spy or is she an American C.I.A. agent?

A rental at best. I'm glad I went to watch "Inception" for the second time last weekend. Instead of this movie on it's opening weekend.

Monday, July 19, 2010


The wait is over. Christopher Nolan is back and almost better than ever. This is by far the best movie of the year so far. It's even better than any movie that I saw last year for that matter. It falls a little short of "The Dark Knight", but not by much. The story and editing are unbelievable in this movie. The screenplay is pretty good too, but it does have a little too much exposition, but it needs it, so the audience doesn't get totally lost. The first act is a little slow, but it needs to lay down the rules for the following acts. The third act is one of the best that I've ever seen. The way the movie is edited for the last act is a sight to behold. There will always be some haters that will find any little things to say bad about this movie. There isn't a lot of character development, but Nolan has no choice if he wants the movie to take less than 4 hours and he does a good job at making all the characters serve a purpose, even if they are two dimensional. This is easily the front runner for my picture of they year.

Leonardo Dicaprio extracts secrets from peoples dreams for a living. He now has to put a thought into a man's mind while he dreams. Also known as Inception. It's very risky and never been done before, but he accepts this challenge, so he can see his children again who live in the United States while he is on the run from the government.

Why are you reading this review now? You should be at the movies watching this brilliant movie right now!

Get ready for July of 2012 for Christopher Nolan's next movie. The next Batman installment.



The second Jerry Bruckheimer movie of the summer and he's now two for two on mediocrity! It pains me to say that he might be losing his blockbuster touch? I was hoping for an entertaining fun time at the movies, but the story-telling is pretty bad in this movie. Some pretty cheesy lines and romances. The action is actually pretty good and the movie goes by quickly. I hope the next "National Treasure" comes out soon, so I can say some nice things about Jerry Bruckheimer again.

Nic Cage waited 1,000 years to find "the one" who will be able to kill the almighty sorcerer if she ever gets out of her captivity. When he finally finds him, that's when the evil escapes and the fate of the world is in "The Sorcerer's Apprentice's hands.

This is a maybe on the rental charts. I can't fully recommend this movie, but some will enjoy the fun and just go with it.


Another animated kids movie that is trying to knock Pixar off the top. Another one that fails too. "Despicable Me" tries the hardest to copy Pixar with the touching moments at the end, but it just doesn't feel sincere. There have been some good animated movies from other studios, but none are better than the Pixar release of that year. "Despicable Me" is a solid effort and a decent movie, but "Toy Story 3" is better in every way.

The best villain in the world loses his title, when a new villain shows him up. Which leads into a plan to steal the moon and his title back.

I'm fairly confident that all ages will enjoy this family movie. I'd give this a shot when it's released on blu-ray.

Sunday, July 11, 2010


This is basically a direct sequel to the 1987 movie. They change some of the rules and have a couple of surprises too. Adrian Brody steps in nicely for Arnold as sort of an anti-hero. The characters have just enough development to get by on. It's a slow pace at the start, but worth the wait for the predators to arrive. This is a solid update from a classic 80's action movie. An enjoyable time at the movies for sure.

A group of humans all free fall and land on an unknown planet. They team up to survive and slowly realize that they are being hunted by "Predators".

I had a fun time watching this movie from start to finish. This is the only good sequel to the franchise. I'd at least rent this movie. It has some violence, so be aware of that before heading to the theatre.


The first two movies in this self proclaimed saga were laughable at best. Horrible story telling with a boring romance blooming. The latest installment is slightly better thanks to a decent last act. The first hour and a half are just as bad as the previous movies. Unless you're a fan of the books, I can't see how anyone follows this story at all? It jumps around so quickly and hopes the viewer has read the books. I wish they would flush out the story along with the characters from the beginning. The "Harry Potter" franchise has managed to adapt the books into great movies. This entire saga is boring and cheesy at the same time. The story starts to get mildly interesting at the end of "Eclipse". A little bit too late to make this an enjoyable experience.

Bella is still in the middle of the love triangle, but now there is a vampire army being formed to hunt her down. Edward and Jacob create a truce to protect Bella from the war that is about to take place.

Teens and people who have read the book will most likely enjoy this movie, but I don't know why. I can't recommend this to anyone else though.

Thursday, July 8, 2010


I can't believe how far an Oscar nominated writer has fallen. M. Night still has a great eye and makes some good visuals, but his writing has become laughable. He needs to hire some co-writers who actually write the dialogue in his movies. He just can't write people very well. The acting is really bad in "The Last Air bender" too. I will say that I did like it slightly more than most of the reviews out there. I understand why they shit on this movie, but it has a couple of redeeming qualities. I really enjoyed the action sequences and the idea behind this movie, but the dialogue put on screen is some of the worst that I've ever seen!

A brother and sister find the last air bender frozen after a hundred years of being lost. The fire nations hunts and kills anyone who has the ability of being that last air bender. He will bring balance to the world, but the Fire nation doesn't want balance. It's the first of a planned trilogy, but I'm not so sure this trilogy will ever get finished.

Kids will love this movie, because they don't care about acting or cheesy writing. I can't recommend this to anyone based on the movie itself. If you can put up with terrible writing than you might like this movie.


I have an idea for Adam Sandler's next comedy. How about making a comedy that's funny. His movies are all the same. They all stick to the same formula. Family fun and try for the heart warming ending.

"Grown Ups" has a decent cast, but no humor at all. It's an updated version of "The Great Outdoors". Sandler is at his best when he's goofy and doesn't try to make a family movie. His first two movies were silly,stupid, and didn't really make a lot sense. That's how an Adam Sandler comedy is supposed to be. There is nothing worse than watching a comedy and not laughing once.

An old group of friends have a reunion when there child hood basketball coach dies. This leads to the families all staying in a cabin and becoming friends again.

Unless you liked "Little Nicky", then I wouldn't recommend this movie to you. "I award you no points and may god have mercy on your soul"if you did like "Little Nicky".

Sunday, June 27, 2010


This is more of what summer movies should be. Some good action sequences and a little humor. Tom Cruise and Cameron Diaz actually have some pretty good chemistry working here. Not the best action movie of the summer(A-team), but still has enough fun packed into a decent story. Sometimes the movie is too corny for my liking, but it's a fun and entertaining movie just the same. I was actually surprised that I enjoyed this movie this much. The story gets a little too twisty and in coherent, but it still served it's purpose.

Tom Cruise is an agent that goes rogue and Cameron Diaz is on the wrong plane. Mix in some action and a little romance and humor and there you have it.

This is a good rental for sure, but I'd mildly recommend this movie. It has just enough fun to enjoy it.


This movie looked like it could be a promising summer movie. It has Josh Brolin, Megan Fox, and John Malkovich starring in it. Not even a pretty face and two good actors could save this piece of shit of a movie! This was painful to watch. Never mind that the technical parts of the movie sucked. That's to be expected of much of the summer movies. This was just so terribly boring and stupid. It's only 72 minutes long and still found myself looking at the clock. Makes me wonder how bad the material was that got left on the cutting room floor. Story telling at it's worst and one of the more boring action movies I've seen in a long time.

Jonah Hex nearly survives death as he watches his family burned to death. He comes away from the near death experience with the ability to talk to the dead. He is then enlisted by the president to chase after John Malkovich(the man who killed his family).

"Sex and the City 2" and "Jonah Hex" are the two worst films this year! It's not even close. Do not watch either of these two movies. Unless you need something to help you fall asleep.

Monday, June 21, 2010

TOY STORY 3(2010)

Do not see this is in 3D! Another rip off!

Pixar has done it again. A great story with character we already know and love. They added a few new characters and it's a great way to seemingly end a terrific trilogy. I wasn't sure the story could make a third time around, but it's the best one yet! I didn't find myself laughing as much as some great Pixar films, but it's still got the same old charm. I really like how they included some things from the other two movies as well. The story really flows and keeps you interested until the final act. That's when it really takes off and is at it's best.

The gang is all back and worried about what will happen to them when their best friend goes away to college. They end up making their way to a day care center, where they must escape from the evil tyranny of toys that reside there.

This is a must see for everyone! One of the best films of the year. This will for sure be one of the contenders for my best picture award at the end of the year.


A small budget film with a lot of buzz around it. Not really my type of movie, but I gave it a shot for my fans out there. A really slow paced movie without much of a payoff at the end. You've seen this movie before, but it was original then. It's not scary or creepy? I'm not sure what the point of the story is here? It's more of a character piece than science/fiction/horror. The writing and acting are little stiff too. The movie didn't really do much for me, but almost put me to sleep(but I was tired).

A couple working on splicing DNA create a creature and choose to monitor it than destroy it as a baby.

I'd say it's worth a rental, but don't expect anything to exciting from it.


I'm such a huge fan of the original movie that this remake could've been way worse than it was. It pays some nice homage to the original, but some of the lines are in subtitles, since they are spoken in Chinese. The classic lines don't have the same impact when you read them as opposed to when you first heard them. Jackie Chan does an adequate job following in Pat Morita's shoes. Jaden Smith sucks as the karate kid! Not funny or charming. You don't really ever feel yourself rooting for him. The kung fu scenes are highly updated and add some entertainment to the movie. There is a decent portion of the movie in english subtitles too. If I wanted to watch "The Karate Kid" in another language I'd rent "El Chico De Karate"(1995) or the special edition(2006).

A boy and his mom move to china when his mom gets a job there. A group of kids beat him up over a girl and soon he learns kung fu from the local maintenance man.

If I had never seen the original and I was a 12 year old kid then this would be a great movie. It's worth a viewing out of curiosity.


And I thought the first movie was bad? This is boring and stupid! One of the worst movies I've seen in a while. I finish all the movies I start, but I didn't want to continue with this one. It's not funny or interesting on any level. No reason for this movie ever to have been produced.

I'm too angry to actually write about this movie.

I highly recommend that you don't see this movie.

Monday, June 14, 2010

THE A-TEAM(2010)

There have been rumors following this movie for over ten years now. I was extremely pleased to hear that they finally were going to get this movie made. Then the cast was announced and I was even more pleased. I was really hoping that they didn't fuck this material up! I've been a fan of the TV show ever since I was a kid.

You gotta know the show to appreciate this movie. This may be the best adaptation from the small screen to the big screen ever! They really nailed the characters and the tone of the show. They took the shows charm and blew it up(literally). They made everything more outrageous,crazy, and even funny at times. This is what summer movies are meant to be. One helluva ride from the great opening sequence to the incredible last 10 seconds of the movie(goose bumps). One of the funnest movies I've seen in a while.

I really enjoyed the style of the narration too. The director used his source material in a great and unique way.

This movie is loud,fun,crazy,stupid,corny, and over blown. I absolutely loved every minute of it.

A group of a special ops team is framed for murder and stolen money plates. They escape from prison to clear their names and get revenge. There's more to the story than that, but I don't want to ruin any of the fun.


I decided to give this movie a shot, even though it stars Ashton Kutcher. I've liked Katherine Heigl in her other movies, but this one is a little too cheesy and corny for me. Lot's of holes in the story and not enough character development to add legitimacy to the movie. Everything seems forced together.

Ashton Kutcher is a hit man that falls in love with Katherine Heigl while she's vacationing with her parents in Nice, France. He quits the business and moves back with her and they get married. His past catches up to him three years later.

This is supposed to be a comedy/romance/action movie, but it doesn't achieve any of those goals on a consistent basis. It's a watchable movie for the most part, but that's about it. I wouldn't recommend this movie to anyone except the average movie fan.

Sunday, June 6, 2010


This is not a sequel to the surprise hit comedy in 2008("Forgetting Sarah Marshall"). It's more of a spin off with some guests appearances all over. Jonah Hill doesn't reprise his role from "Forgetting Sarah Marshall", but still is funny as hell. Russell Brand does reprise his role and is back and better than ever! If you liked the fictional songs from "Sarah Marshall" then you're in for a real treat in this movie.

The best comedy of last year came out this same weekend("The Hangover"). I think this rivals "The Hangover", but I'll let you decide that. A vulgar comedy that delivers some heart and laughs at the same time.

Jonah Hill is an intern for a record company. He must get him from London to NY to L.A. in 72 hours.

I highly recommend this movie to everyone. Go see it yesterday. This might be one of those instant classics amongst your circle of friends. Only time will tell.


Another Ridley Scott time period movie. He hit Oscar gold with his last effort in "Gladiator", but not this time. This movie reminds me more like another movie that claimed to be an origin story on a folk hero. 2004's "King Arthur" was the same style of movie. They used the names that we all know and tried to turn the myths and legends into a history lesson. "Robin Hood" is based more on history that "King Arthur" was, but it's still a period piece and focuses very little on the title character's life. It should've been named "Robin Hood begins". Very slow and little fun for a legendary tale. The last 30 minutes start to show promise and then it's over. A very average take on a beloved hero or anti-hero.

The story follows Russell Crowe on how he firsts comes to Nottingham and how his name came about.

This is a rental if you compelled to see this movie. I wish I could endorse it more, but I can't in good conscience.

Monday, May 31, 2010


I love summer blockbusters by Jerry Bruckheimer, but this is not one of his better action movies. A mix between "The Mummy" and "Indiana Jones" movies, but without the heart or entertainment value. I could trash the screenplay and story, but that's not what these movies are about. Although I wish they made a little bit of a better effort on the story. Too wordy of a screenplay. The action scenes didn't really do anything for me either. One of those movies that is just there. Nothing left to remember when all the noise has gone away.

Jerry your better than this!

When the adopted prince of persia is framed for killing his father he must go on the run. He discovers that a dagger with the sands of time is what the persian army is after. Of course the world will come to an end if they get the dagger and use it for their own good. So Gyllenhaal teams up with a hot chick that protects the dagger, so they can get it to the safety.

This is one of the weekend movies that you might as well watch. Not bad enough to not recommend, but not good enough to tell people about it either.


Let's just say the Saturday Night Live Skits don't make the best movies. I don't even think the original "Waynes World" was that great. They have some mediocre movies and some guilty pleasures. "MacGruber" fall under the guilty pleasure part. I'm not saying that it's a good movie, but it has it's laugh out loud moments. The story and screenplay are pretty bad, but they do sneak some funny stuff in there. Just enough to make it worth seeing. If not for a hard "R" rating then this movie would have been incredibly terrible!

MacGruber has been in hiding since his fiance got blown up on their wedding day. Now he is called back into service to try and stop the launching of a nuclear bomb. Not the most unique storyline, but what do you expect from an SNL skit?

If you like swearing and "R" rated humor then you might want to give this a try. Not a great movie, but you might just laugh enough.


I've never seen any of the original horror franchises from Universal Studios, but I hope they are better than all the latest versions of the those classic characters.

Benicio Del Torro just limps his way through this movie. He's a good actor, but it's obviously painful that he just didn't care about this role at all. Not really scary or suspenseful. They added some gore to try and help the scare tactics that failed. A pretty slow paced movie that I just couldn't get into. You don't really care what happens to "The Wolfman". That's a big problem when your entire story falls upon the audience sympathizing for "The Wolfman".

A stage actor is sought out by his brother's fiance after he goes missing. Benecio Del Torro reluctantly agrees to go home and start the search for his brother. When his brother is found dead, then the search for the monster that killed his brother takes place. Benicio gets bit from the Wolf and then becomes "The Wolfman".

The movie could've been worse. It's still a pretty slow and a useless movie. It was barely watchable. I would say that this is a rental at best and you won't lose any sleep if you don't ever get to see this movie.

Sunday, May 23, 2010


This franchise has really gone downhill since the first "Shrek"movie. The first story was a funny rip at all the disney movies of the past. A fairy tale for the adults and kids at the same time. The second one was the same old stuff, but still had some new humor. The third installment wast pretty bland and worn out. I didn't have much hope for the so-called final chapter, but it turned out to be better than the last outing. That's about the best thing I can say about the final "Shrek".

Shrek grows tiresome of his every day life. He makes a deal to get just one day of his old life back. Unfortunately he had to give up the day he was born in exchange for that one day. So now he has to try and have his one kiss with Fiona before the day is up. The problem is that the past he knew, doesn't exist anymore.

If you liked the series, then this movie doesn't really do any worse than the past couple installments. A very average, but short time at the movies.

Sunday, May 9, 2010


"The Losers" is another action-comedy movie that is for pure entertainment. With some flashy editing and some classic slow-motion shots. You can pretty much put this in the vault with many other movies that are trying to cash in on the same comic book style of editing. I will say that it's a fun movie that is very fast paced. Almost to a fault. Not quite enough time to build up some character for anyone of the ensemble cast. I enjoyed this movie for an appetizer while leading up to the big summer flicks(hopefully).

A special ops team gets set up by their own government. Left presumably dead in the jungle. When they come across a chance to get back home, seek revenge and get their lives back. They set forth on an action packed mission that leaves you waiting for the sequel.

I hope this is a poor mans "A-Team". That would mean that "The A-Team" was really good, because this isn't a bad action movie. I would definately rent this movie if you just want to enjoy yourself with some good old fashioned action.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

IRON MAN 2(2010)

The surprise hit of 2008 is back with it's sequel. I usually use the rule of three when it comes to sequels. That being at least three years between films. The rule has a pretty good track record if you go back and look at sequels. Not a 100% scientific, but pretty good. I was a really big fan of "Iron Man" and I enjoyed the pacing and the story telling of Jon Favareau. The story the characters and the action were all very good and entertaining at the same time.

Unfortunately the rule of three applies here somewhat. While "Iron Man 2" is a very competent and good film, it still lacks the intangibles that made the first installment such a great film. There's a lot to like and it's a solid sequel, but doesn't stack up to the original.

Tony Stark is back and he's on top of the world until a Russian scientist teams up with Stark's main business competitor. There's a little more to it than that, so go and see it for your self.

I'd recommend this film to everyone. It's a solid movie, but it just can't quite step up to the standards of the first "Iron Man".


Here's another entry to the remake or reboot horror franchises. I never really watched any of these slasher movies growing up, because I was a pussy. I eventually went back and watched the big time 80's crop of horror movies. I'm not a huge fan of them, with the exception of a select few. Yet I still watch almost all of the new releases today. The latest "Friday the 13th" was a very average movie and I'm sorry to say that this movie is too.

A group of child hood friends are now late teens. They are all having the same nightmare of a guy with knives for fingers. A couple of friends start to look into the past of why they are being haunted in their dreams. They eventually uncover his motives and have little time to try and stop a man called Freddy Krueger.

Same old shit. Not scary or that bloody. I do like the new Freddy though. Not as corny and a little more intense. I just wished they played Will Smith's old school song("A Nightmare on my Street"). Follows the original pretty closely, but nothing new or really that good about this reboot. It's watchable and that's about all.

Sunday, April 25, 2010


Another movie based on a graphic novel written by Mark Millar. I really liked his first adaptation. "Wanted" was a fun action movie with a little humor and some cool action scenes. "Kick-Ass" surprised the hell out of me. Very fun and entertaining. A little blood and some really funny lines by Hit girl. She steals the show. I really enjoyed the story and the graphic violence that they used. You get immersed into a graphic novel.

Nic Cage does a good Adam West imitation and the movie pays homage to comic book movies very well.

A comic book geek thinks it would be cool if someone actually was a hero, so he takes it upon himself to become one. Along the way he meets some other vigilantes that gets him entangled into the organized crime world. The movie leaves us wanting a sequel with a great homage to one of the best lines from a movie based on a comic book.

I'd highly recommend this movie to everyone! A little bloody and some choice words for kids, but entertaining as hell. Go see this movie, so the sequel will get made.


I honestly don't know why I watched this movie? Steve Carrell and Tina Fey? Not my favorites. They do bring a different style to this movie and it was watchable. That's actually better than I thought. Some funny moments, but still not funny or entertaining enough to really enjoy myself.

A suburban couple go on a date night and pretend to be someone else to get reservations at this NYC restaurant. Soon they are mistaken for the identities that they stole and are on the run for their lives.

This is barely a rental. It's only about 82 minutes long, so it's not that high of a risk.