Monday, April 28, 2008


This movie is another reason why books aren't important. I hadn't heard of this Charlie dude in class before, but you make a movie about him and I'm now a historian on the conflict between Afghanistan and the Soviet Union. I thought this story would be slow and boring and I only watched it because I have netflix and it's my job to watch these films for my audience.

Let me just say that it was really quite good! Phillip Seymour Hoffman is great and funny in it. It's not too political if that's what you think. Like my previous reviewed "Lion for Lambs". It's a pretty big piece of history that I'm guessing a lot of people don't know that well. It's fast paced with humor, drama, and even some nudity! If you think it's going to be a boring drama, don't let it fool you. It's highly entertaining and I highly recommend it. It's on DVD now.


I don't know what to think of this movie? It's an Apatow production with him getting some writing credits, so I was ready for a smart comedy and got "Walk Hard" instead. I know it's a spoof of all the biographies of musicians that tell the same old drug addiction and womanizing stories of men who rose to the top. I really liked the comedy in that sense, but then it turns into this crazy and over the top style of movie. John C. Reilly does another great job with his comedic timing and is very funny, but at times it's just too stupid! I thought Apatow would bring a more smarter and realistic spoof, but it's good enough, just not what I've come to expect from his productions. It's worth seeing, but there is some cox in the film(if you get what I'm saying). It's a hard "R" film. View at your own risk.

Sunday, April 20, 2008


This movie starts out as an intriguing face off between Cruise and Streep and then turns into a talk fest that never seems to end. The story follows three different scenarios playing out in an hours time. The politician vs. reporter. The professor and the student. The army vs. the Taliban. It's the same model as "Babel" and "Crash". It works at times and kept me interested in the story for a while. It's a very short film too, but when it's all said and done all you're left with is your own thoughts. Which isn't bad, but it's nothing new. You get to hear all sides of the argument and never really get preached to what's right and what's wrong. It's very talkative with little to do. The swift hour and a half movie takes place mostly in three different sets, so you don't really get that film feeling for it.

It's not a terrible film, but it could've been better if the movie had a point or at least brought some new ideas about the war on terror conflict. In the end you get a film that wants to make you step back and think about where you stand, but all I thought about was if I wanted nachos or tacos for dinner. It's worth a view if you like political films. Not political thrillers, just politics.


Another Judd Apatow production and another Judd Apatow winner! Although he does not direct this film, it has the feel of one of his films. It's written by Jason Sigel, one of his protege's, who alos stars. A very basic story and plot, but yet still delivers a funny and raunchy version of a break up and how you get over the love of your life. This is by no means the best of the Apatow collection, but it belongs in the faternity. "Knocked UP", "SuperBad", and "The 40 Year Old Virgin" or all superior, but this could've have been a terrible movie if done wrong. It's a comedy that's very funny with a story and character, where as there are too many comedies that just try to make you laugh with no point. All the great comedies use humor to tell a story. I highly recommend this film if you like any of the previous "R" rated Apatow movies.


Two words. Over rated! That might be one word, but that's besides the point. Although a good movie and worth seeing. It's leaps and bounds better than Napolean Dynamite and better than Little Miss Sunshine, but it's not a great film. Don't get me wrong, it's a good movie, but it's nothing I haven't seen done before. The only difference is the dialogue that screenwriter Diablo Cody penned for it. She uses some new slang and so it's a fresh look at an old story. It has it's moments for being funny, but not anywhere near the best film of the year. I seriously don't know why the academy fell in love with this film. I think because it wasn't a huge studio film, it got blown out of proportion. It's a good film and I'd recommend it, but don't expect one of the top 5 films of 2007.


This is not a boxing movie, but it's a true story based on a writer who wrote a story about a boxer and the consequences of what he finds out. Samuel L. Jackson has a good performance as a "homeless" man, not a "bum". Josh Hartnett plays a journalist who is trying for the big time and only gets the small sports stories. The real story is about his family and how to deal with his son and estranged wife. The boxing part of the movie is really just a metaphor for his life. Being based on a true story is what makes this a better movie. Without giving anything away, it's a good morale story and a better movie than I thought it was going to be. I'd classify this movie as a hidden gem, because I was thankfully surprised that I liked the story and message of this film. Nothing special or great about this film, but I'd go and rent it.

Saturday, April 5, 2008


My basketball number, the legal age of drinking, Lawrence Moten's number, and now the movie. The #21 never seems to fail. I'm really glad I went to see this film. I was going to pass and wait for dvd, but I went and it entertained! Especially if you enjoy cards, drama, and even some comedy. It's directed by a guy with really no dramatic background, but he's done a couple of decent comedies. The main one being "Legally Blonde". It's based on a book loosely about some MIT students who take Vegas for millions. The film explains the system and shows you on screen, so you're never lost. It's an intrguing art form. If you like cards then you'll really get into this film and if you don't, you'll learn a little and still like the drama of the film. I was very surprised with how much I liked this film. Nothing new or special, but a for sure must see. I'd highly recommend this movie. It's still in theatres.


This film actually did well at the box office and recieved some pretty good reviews, so I wanted to watch it. I'm a huge fan of disney pictures and to see them mock their earlier pictures sounded like a good idea. It's totally an old school cheesy disney production that kids will love. Adults will get the satire and enjoy the live action part of the film, which is most of it. If you can't guess the exact ending, then you need to go back to your childhood and look for it. Amy Adams doesn an excellent job as a fairytale princess to be. She plays the role of the disney perfect girl to a tee. It's a good fun movie that kept me entertained, eventhough I knew what was going to happen. It's not great, but it's good if you like family fun. I'd check it out on dvd.