Sunday, March 9, 2008


The trailer for this film had me hooked and made me want to see this film without a doubt. I knew it could be good if done right. A great gimmick. An assasination from different vantage points. Or it could be badly hacked up with plot holes. The answer is that it's both. Story starts off strong and keeps you compelled to whats happening, but by the 5th vantage point and seeing the same story over and over again, you start to lose focus. It's entertaining enough to keep you guessing and wanting to know what really happened, so that's accomplished wel.. Unfortunately the story totally goes off the whole gimmick of being shown through someone's perspective in the final act and turns into the normal thriller type of movie. Which could've been worse, but also if they pulled of the gimmick the entire film, than the film would've been so much better and original. The ending is a total cop out with a huge coincidence that makes you think that the director and writer just got lazy. It entertains enough to get slight recommendation from me. I was hoping for an original thriller and got the same old movie at the end.

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