Sunday, July 20, 2008


Finally it's time for the review that I've been waiting three years to give.

I think it's safe to say that I had the biggest of all expectations coming into this film. Last December I said to be on the look-out for "The Dark Knight" in my end of the year movie round- up. I also said watch for an Oscar nomination for Heath Ledger and that's almost a guarntee now. What I didn't know was that the movie would surpass all of my expectations and then some. I was waiting for it too be good and I know I'd like it, but it's way beyond good. It's an outright masterpiece! The story, acting,direction and action are far superior than anything like it before. This is a film that you have to watch multiple times to fully understand the little things and it's better when you do. It's a finely crafted story that you rarely see in any film, let alone a comic book adaptation. It plays off the first installment and leads into the next one hopefully. I hope they stick with the same story even without Ledger. It would be a shame for them not to tell the whole story, because they don't want to recast the Joker's part. This movie is called "The Dark Knight" for a reason and it's not because of it's dark tone, but after you watch it, you'll know. Everything in this movie is done right. Even the 2 1/2 hour running time is a must here. It could've been longer and been justified. This is what all movies should aspire to be. Great entertainment, but not at the cost of a great story. Rarely is this done. Not since "The Departed" has a movie come close. Those are 2 very entertaining and well crafted films. Both on the top of my all-time favorite list.

As for "The Dark Knight", this isn't the last you'll hear about it from me(2008's round-up coming soon). I'm also predicting that Ledger won't be the only nominee from this film. I think picture and director will both get Oscar nods as well. Not sure about Bale, but he's on top of his game here too.
I'm highly recommending this film to you if you haven't figured it out yet. I dare you to not love this film!

In closing, I hope I'll be writing the same review in 3 years from possibly the best trilogy ever.


Unknown said...

Unbelievably well done. Batman Begins was the finest comic book adaptation ever made and this one surpassed it easily.

Heath Ledger's performance is unforgettable and Nolan has stated his case as the best filmmaker of his generation. I wish I could watch it again right now.

Mandy@ a sorta fairytale said...

Yes, this movie was amazing! I however don't think that it was perfect. I need to see it again, because the first one gets more boring each time I watch it. The las half of Batman Begins is not really that good.

I hope that as I watch The Dark Knight again I will still be impressed with it as much as I was the first time.

AND, no matter how good of a comic book adaptation it is, it doesn't deserve to be held up next to The Departed. I am sorry, but that is perfection! Maybe Scorsese should direct the 3rd movie. Then we might get a real taste of comic book perfection. But, until then, Spider-Man 2 and The Dark Knight will reign as equals in my book.