Normally I don't waste my time with writing another review of the same film, but this one is so damn good! I've seen it three times already and I'm ready to go again! I can't get enough of the Joker or the story. This might be the best ending to a film ever! It's unfortunate that this was shot and edited for a third movie that might never happen, at least the version that Nolan had envisioned. I don't doubt that they will make a sequel after the money that this has brought in. I'll try to keep up on the sequel talks and who's going to be involved, just like I did after "Begins" came out. I'm counting the days down until probably a December Bluray release date. I watched "Batman Begins" about four times it's first week out on DVD, so I'll be pretty busy that week. If you haven't seen this film yet,what are you waiting for?
Sunday, July 27, 2008
I haven't read the book nor I'm I a Jules Verne fan. All I know about him, I learned from the "Back to the Future" trilogy and I'm fine with that. I can only speculate that this new version is only slightly based on the book. The book is used in the film as motivation to search for Brendan Fraser's missing brother who was known as a "Vernian". Someone who believes that Jules' Vern stories are true and not science fiction stories. They quickly realize that it's true and it leads to some cool 3D scenes, but I wish the entire film would be packed of these scenes, instead of just the characters basically just being in the foreground the entire time. It's a fun family film that doesn't bore or bring any real depth to the story. It's what you think it's going to be. 90 minutes of some fun and cool 3D. Some of the scenes really immerse you into the steam or rain atmospheres and some do nothing. It's a lot like last year's "Beowulf", nothing special, but the 3D gives it a reason to be seen in the theaters. I'd say it's worth a screening, but I'd see it in the 3D format than just at home.
I wanted to see this when it was released in the theaters, but I opted to see "10,000 B.C." instead. I think we all know how bad of a decision that was? After watching "Bank Job" I'm even more disappointed with that choice in march. This movie was based on a true bank heist that happened in London in the 70's. It turns out to be more than just a bank robbery. The bank job is just a cover to get some very important photos of the royal family. It has some good little twists and keeps you thinking throughout the running time. Not too much action, but some humor and a little history lesson. It's a entertaining movie and it also had lot's of nudity for the the slow parts. I'd give a quick glance on DVD if you were looking for a little fun. Or if you like Jason Statham.
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Finally it's time for the review that I've been waiting three years to give.
I think it's safe to say that I had the biggest of all expectations coming into this film. Last December I said to be on the look-out for "The Dark Knight" in my end of the year movie round- up. I also said watch for an Oscar nomination for Heath Ledger and that's almost a guarntee now. What I didn't know was that the movie would surpass all of my expectations and then some. I was waiting for it too be good and I know I'd like it, but it's way beyond good. It's an outright masterpiece! The story, acting,direction and action are far superior than anything like it before. This is a film that you have to watch multiple times to fully understand the little things and it's better when you do. It's a finely crafted story that you rarely see in any film, let alone a comic book adaptation. It plays off the first installment and leads into the next one hopefully. I hope they stick with the same story even without Ledger. It would be a shame for them not to tell the whole story, because they don't want to recast the Joker's part. This movie is called "The Dark Knight" for a reason and it's not because of it's dark tone, but after you watch it, you'll know. Everything in this movie is done right. Even the 2 1/2 hour running time is a must here. It could've been longer and been justified. This is what all movies should aspire to be. Great entertainment, but not at the cost of a great story. Rarely is this done. Not since "The Departed" has a movie come close. Those are 2 very entertaining and well crafted films. Both on the top of my all-time favorite list.
As for "The Dark Knight", this isn't the last you'll hear about it from me(2008's round-up coming soon). I'm also predicting that Ledger won't be the only nominee from this film. I think picture and director will both get Oscar nods as well. Not sure about Bale, but he's on top of his game here too.
I'm highly recommending this film to you if you haven't figured it out yet. I dare you to not love this film!
In closing, I hope I'll be writing the same review in 3 years from possibly the best trilogy ever.

Guillermo Del Toro's sequel to the surprisingly good first Hellboy goes off without a hitch. Great direction and action make up for the pretty lame story and generic story between Hellboy and Liz. I liked the humor in places and for the most part the humor helped the story along. Some of the film changes the tone of a dark story to a total comic book film, which takes away from what could've been even better of a movie. Del Toro's imagination is on display in full force here and that's what makes this movie work over your normal comic movies. The story has some holes that don't really ever explain why or how the earth became home to two different worlds, especially when there was no mention of them in the first movie. Not that the movie is ruined because of it, but it's nice for the sequels to mesh with the others and play off each other. A solid movie with lot's of summer fun. It's one of the better summer flicks, but not the best or even close to the worst.
Monday, July 14, 2008
In Kimberly Peirce's follow up to "Boys Don't Cry", she tries her hand on a controversial topic in "Stop-Loss". Named after the military program that sends soldiers back for another tour of duty after they have already served their full term. This is just another attempt at making a drama out of war and It was very average at best. No characters that I actually cared for and the story of a decorated Sgt. on the run to prove a point, really did nothing for me. It was between a war movie and a drama, but neither one of them was that interesting. Quite boring with no reason or point. It could've have been a good movie with a better script or story, but it just lacks any intriguing or entertainment value on any level. I will say that I thought it was a solid effort on the production side, but just fell flat on the artistic side. Barely worth renting.
Sunday, July 6, 2008
"Hell no". Will Smith does not say this for the second straight film and I'm getting tired of it. "Hancock" is a little different take on the superhero genre and it starts off quite well. The trailers really don't give away any of what this movie is really about either. You know he's a superman, but what you don't know is what's the real story here? They have to try and get his whole backstory into 90 minutes what took other superhero's years to do. That's where this movie loses a little steam. It's a good concept, but when the past starts to come out and turns into more of a drama is the weak part of this film. It's also the part that makes this different from what you've seen a million times with all the other franchises out there. I would have liked to see them set up his character, rather than just try and explain who he is through conversations with others. That's where it's a little messy, but still entertains and has some fun. Not one of Will Smith's best efforts, but not terrible. There are still some laughs, even if he doesn't say "Hell no". I can't say that you need to see this, but I also can't say not too either.
This is not another "Matrix" rip off. I wasn't sure if this was going to be another summer action film that just throws some special effects and no story or not. The trailers made this movie look like it could be fun and let me tell you something it is! The best thing about the trailers are that they don't give away any of the story and it's actully a pretty darn good one. This movie has action,humor,style and most of all a story that you don't see coming at all. It's quite refreshing to see some really great eye candy with an interesting plot. With a great opeining action sequence and a great finale on a train that is remarkable. Or is that really the finale? Just when you thought you're watching the final act they add another act that doesn't drag on, but is there to finish the story. Great pacing and really fun and cool action sequences that will entertain the hell out of you. Don't let Angelina Jolie being in this film scare you away. One of the best action films that I've seen in a long time. I'd go see this while it's still in the theaters.
I've only seen the show a few times as a kid, so that didn't go into my critique of this film. I wasn't too sure of why I was going to see this film, but it was the new release of the week and I was entertained enough. I'm not a huge fan of Steve Carrell, but he does some good work and I really enjoyed his comic timing in this film. Anne Hathaway is smoking hot and adds to the film surprisingly. The movie kinda gets lost between a total spy spoof or an action film and I really liked they way they decided to do this film. It was never too stupid and Maxwell Smart never just accidentally stumbles across to killing the bad guys. He is quite compentent to a certain level and I'm glad for the movies sake. The story and characters are paper thin, but come on it's a summer action/comedy movie? I thought this could've been terrible, but Carrell is very likeable and pulls of some great gags. Funnier than I thought it would be, but it's no laugh riot. Not a must see, but if you like Carrell I'd check it out on DVD.
This film is very beautifully done and looks magnificent! It's Pixar at it's artistic best! That's saying a lot. I've always been a huge fan of Pixar films. They have great stories and they are for both kids and adults. The imagination never ends and they always pull it off with such grace.
Wall E is no different, except this is a new take for Pixar. The main characters don't talk and it's more of a love story? The funny thing is, Pixar actually pulls it off with little to no dialouge. The first half hour or so it', just getting to meet the new character and finding out the backstory with out much talking. The humor is there, but not like most Pixar films. It's quite odd, but also intriguing. When Wall E finally does interact with humans and the story hits mach speed that's when the artistic side goes and becomes more of the summer adventure most expect. Ironically this is the weakest part of the film, but it still works and the heart behind Wall E is pure Disney.
Not the most entertaining as a summer Pixar film or the best Pixar film to date, but a new and exciting version of what's to come from Pixar? I hope so. They just keep inventing new ways to tell old stories. I'd go see this film for sure. It's one of the best films of the year.
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