Tuesday, February 23, 2010


I was a little skeptical when this movie got delayed until early 2010 instead of the awards season of 2009. I also read that Mr. Scorcese wasn't happy with it either. I had high hopes for this movie based on the material and the on and off screen talent. I was very pleased with the final product for the most part. It's not an instant classic, like "The Departed", but it's a very good and different movie for Scorsese. Very creepy and twisty, but not to a fault. I hate movies that have twists and turns and they don't make sense, but this story checks out to my knowledge. It drags a little, but not too much to get me out of the story or the mystery that is unfolding.

The Story takes place when two federal deputies arrive on "Shutter Island" to investigate a patient that disappears without a trace. Then the story starts to unfold Dicaprio's past and turns into a supernatural thriller or just a normal mystery? I don't wanna give a way much more than that, but I'd highly recommend this movie to everyone. A little suspense and a little twist, but all worth the wait.

I don't know if this would have gotten any love from the Academy at awards time, but it's the best film of 2010 and would have been one of the best films of 2009.

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