Sunday, January 27, 2008


I just want to say "welcome back" Sly Stallone! You touched our hearts with "Rocky Balboa" and made a champion go out on top. And now you bring peace to Burma with the last installment of "Rambo".

This film is the first feel good film of 2008. Can you say "Oscars 2009"? I wasn't expecting much from this film based on it's early reviews, but it's obvious that those critics are pro genocide. This time around, Rambo is on a mission to save a christian group from colorado who traveled into Burma. They get themselves captured and then it's up to Rambo and a group of mercenaries to go into the village on a rescue mission. Along the way he finds his inner self, by ripping out their innerselves.

Seriously speaking though. This movie is no cinematic achievment, but it's a great high octane film if you can stand the blood and gore. It's not for everyone, but I was very surprised at how much it entertained me. There are a couple of moments that made me want to stand up and cheer, but I hate those people, so I didn't. I think he failed on his message that he wanted to send about the civil war in Burma, but stumbled across a great action film. I would say this is a for sure pick if you like Rambo films, but I wouldn't recommend it to the squirmish.

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