Monday, May 31, 2010


I love summer blockbusters by Jerry Bruckheimer, but this is not one of his better action movies. A mix between "The Mummy" and "Indiana Jones" movies, but without the heart or entertainment value. I could trash the screenplay and story, but that's not what these movies are about. Although I wish they made a little bit of a better effort on the story. Too wordy of a screenplay. The action scenes didn't really do anything for me either. One of those movies that is just there. Nothing left to remember when all the noise has gone away.

Jerry your better than this!

When the adopted prince of persia is framed for killing his father he must go on the run. He discovers that a dagger with the sands of time is what the persian army is after. Of course the world will come to an end if they get the dagger and use it for their own good. So Gyllenhaal teams up with a hot chick that protects the dagger, so they can get it to the safety.

This is one of the weekend movies that you might as well watch. Not bad enough to not recommend, but not good enough to tell people about it either.


Let's just say the Saturday Night Live Skits don't make the best movies. I don't even think the original "Waynes World" was that great. They have some mediocre movies and some guilty pleasures. "MacGruber" fall under the guilty pleasure part. I'm not saying that it's a good movie, but it has it's laugh out loud moments. The story and screenplay are pretty bad, but they do sneak some funny stuff in there. Just enough to make it worth seeing. If not for a hard "R" rating then this movie would have been incredibly terrible!

MacGruber has been in hiding since his fiance got blown up on their wedding day. Now he is called back into service to try and stop the launching of a nuclear bomb. Not the most unique storyline, but what do you expect from an SNL skit?

If you like swearing and "R" rated humor then you might want to give this a try. Not a great movie, but you might just laugh enough.


I've never seen any of the original horror franchises from Universal Studios, but I hope they are better than all the latest versions of the those classic characters.

Benicio Del Torro just limps his way through this movie. He's a good actor, but it's obviously painful that he just didn't care about this role at all. Not really scary or suspenseful. They added some gore to try and help the scare tactics that failed. A pretty slow paced movie that I just couldn't get into. You don't really care what happens to "The Wolfman". That's a big problem when your entire story falls upon the audience sympathizing for "The Wolfman".

A stage actor is sought out by his brother's fiance after he goes missing. Benecio Del Torro reluctantly agrees to go home and start the search for his brother. When his brother is found dead, then the search for the monster that killed his brother takes place. Benicio gets bit from the Wolf and then becomes "The Wolfman".

The movie could've been worse. It's still a pretty slow and a useless movie. It was barely watchable. I would say that this is a rental at best and you won't lose any sleep if you don't ever get to see this movie.

Sunday, May 23, 2010


This franchise has really gone downhill since the first "Shrek"movie. The first story was a funny rip at all the disney movies of the past. A fairy tale for the adults and kids at the same time. The second one was the same old stuff, but still had some new humor. The third installment wast pretty bland and worn out. I didn't have much hope for the so-called final chapter, but it turned out to be better than the last outing. That's about the best thing I can say about the final "Shrek".

Shrek grows tiresome of his every day life. He makes a deal to get just one day of his old life back. Unfortunately he had to give up the day he was born in exchange for that one day. So now he has to try and have his one kiss with Fiona before the day is up. The problem is that the past he knew, doesn't exist anymore.

If you liked the series, then this movie doesn't really do any worse than the past couple installments. A very average, but short time at the movies.

Sunday, May 9, 2010


"The Losers" is another action-comedy movie that is for pure entertainment. With some flashy editing and some classic slow-motion shots. You can pretty much put this in the vault with many other movies that are trying to cash in on the same comic book style of editing. I will say that it's a fun movie that is very fast paced. Almost to a fault. Not quite enough time to build up some character for anyone of the ensemble cast. I enjoyed this movie for an appetizer while leading up to the big summer flicks(hopefully).

A special ops team gets set up by their own government. Left presumably dead in the jungle. When they come across a chance to get back home, seek revenge and get their lives back. They set forth on an action packed mission that leaves you waiting for the sequel.

I hope this is a poor mans "A-Team". That would mean that "The A-Team" was really good, because this isn't a bad action movie. I would definately rent this movie if you just want to enjoy yourself with some good old fashioned action.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

IRON MAN 2(2010)

The surprise hit of 2008 is back with it's sequel. I usually use the rule of three when it comes to sequels. That being at least three years between films. The rule has a pretty good track record if you go back and look at sequels. Not a 100% scientific, but pretty good. I was a really big fan of "Iron Man" and I enjoyed the pacing and the story telling of Jon Favareau. The story the characters and the action were all very good and entertaining at the same time.

Unfortunately the rule of three applies here somewhat. While "Iron Man 2" is a very competent and good film, it still lacks the intangibles that made the first installment such a great film. There's a lot to like and it's a solid sequel, but doesn't stack up to the original.

Tony Stark is back and he's on top of the world until a Russian scientist teams up with Stark's main business competitor. There's a little more to it than that, so go and see it for your self.

I'd recommend this film to everyone. It's a solid movie, but it just can't quite step up to the standards of the first "Iron Man".


Here's another entry to the remake or reboot horror franchises. I never really watched any of these slasher movies growing up, because I was a pussy. I eventually went back and watched the big time 80's crop of horror movies. I'm not a huge fan of them, with the exception of a select few. Yet I still watch almost all of the new releases today. The latest "Friday the 13th" was a very average movie and I'm sorry to say that this movie is too.

A group of child hood friends are now late teens. They are all having the same nightmare of a guy with knives for fingers. A couple of friends start to look into the past of why they are being haunted in their dreams. They eventually uncover his motives and have little time to try and stop a man called Freddy Krueger.

Same old shit. Not scary or that bloody. I do like the new Freddy though. Not as corny and a little more intense. I just wished they played Will Smith's old school song("A Nightmare on my Street"). Follows the original pretty closely, but nothing new or really that good about this reboot. It's watchable and that's about all.